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Vampires and wolves had been molded into existence since the beginning of Blood World, where they had been sculpted by the one and only, God of Blood. Legends and tablets with runes had always mentioned a never ending revelry within the world of the deities. And in that revelry, the Gods had concluded that the void outside their realm was dull, was empty, so they set out to form new worlds.

The God of Blood had many ambitions, and creative imaginations where he had used what he visualized and made them reality.

Snakes, serpents, men of poison, zombies, witches, wolves, vampires, and many other supernatural creatures had been invited into the existence of the world labeled Blood World.

In the creation, there was the First Wolf, and the First Vampire. Amelia and Vladimir. The two had agreed into alliance between two kinds. The God of Blood was impressed by their bonding, and tolerated their free actions upon each other.

But, there was one tragic night, that sparked a lifelong feud between vampires and wolves. There were many versions of how the rivalry began but most of them were linked to the demise of Amelia, the first Wolf, who had thrown in an accused, Vladimir. Vladimir was then beheaded for his accused crime, where cruelty just began in Blood World, and the God of Blood had abandoned his creations, out of disappointment.

Year 1987, where Queen Samantha and King Cole had readied their daughter, Snowdust, into coronation, and the claiming of the throne. But, worth had to be proven, and Snowdust desired so. Before the crowning, she had met a handsome young man, Prince Gerald. Their story was a tragedy, full of fire and loss, emotions spiraling out of control, and chaos. In the end, Snowdust had lost to a vampire, in The Great War.

And then, twenty years later... the surviving daughters, Sabrina, and Lisa had experienced a year of change where they were introduced to their home. After being sheltered far from the Lycan Den out of safety, Sabrina had been invited back home, to claim what she truly had. She had always listened to the story of The Great War and knowing that vampires had taken down her parents, she vowed vengeance. To fulfill her revenge, she had travelled to the human world, where vampires masquerade and hide among mortals, with the help of her friends.

In the process... she developed unwanted feelings towards a familiar figure, Divinity, who was Benjamin's son.

While, acting out on a plot of revenge, she faced more obstacles than she had expected. The horrifying and enigmatic Blackbane had joined her out of nowhere, and a female rival came to threaten her downfall. As her revenge was almost complete, she unraveled a shocking truth.

Her mother was alive, and she was Blackbane.

Then, Benjamin was killed, by a very own vampire who held hatred against his weakness, his flaws, that he must project the true characteristics of a vampire. But Benjamin was thought to be a pale shadow of what a vampire must be.

Afterwards, Sabrina, still adjusted to her new life, with her mother, and Divinity.

Now, Sabrina and Divinity are on their final chapter... what consequences do their bond entail? And will it devastate everything they love?

Blood World

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