"Now unchain him, and bring him to the Corpse Chamber." Vladimir instructed the woman. She nodded and began unchaining the golden collar around the wolf's neck before dragging him towards another chamber.

Vladimir followed after the woman, his eyes avoiding the trail of blood the dead wolf left. He sniffed its scent, but ignored it. He had the chance to watch another male wolf get butchered.

Eventually they reached the Corpse Chamber which was filled with lethal odor. One sniff of the nose and it would be death for the victim's lungs. The female hoisted the dead wolf's corpse over a table then grabbed a sharp long sword hanging on a wall.

The female vampire began to work on the corpse. The lifeless body of the male wolf twitched as his head was being cleaved off. Then, the female vampire carefully set down the sword before lifting the decollated head and ambled towards a vacant spike next to a wolf's head pierced into the sharp stake.

"Another ornament added to our collection," The woman plunged the head into the spike then stepped backwards to admire her work. "Done. Now, what's missing is Sabrina and Snowdust." A devilish smile lingered upon her lips as she turned to face Vladimir.

"Good job, Gerda." Vladimir returned the same sinister energy Gerda was radiating but it was amplified to a greater extent, one that already bled with menace.

Vladimir exited the chamber with Gerda, returning to the relentless army forging iron, and silver, and metal. The heat couldn't be tamed, it never died. A soldier studied the furnace, turning it off before producing a blade glinting under the light of scorching flames.

He smiled in satisfaction, swinging the blade to test its speed. He nodded at the result.

Vladimir folded his arms while Gerda stilled next to him like a statue. "War is coming, my Lord. The entirety of wolf kind will fall, I pledge that, and if that doesn't seem fated to happen, I will not rest in peace until each and every one of them is no more." Gerda held her hands behind her back, staring fixedly at the soldiers submerged in forging and smelting.

"Very good. I expect a smooth destruction later on when we are finished with the catapults. Until then, Ame- Sabrina will meet her end." Vladimir cackled an antagonistic sound, Gerda joined in.

Both of them pictured a frightened Sabrina locked inside a coffin, forever trapped in a tight and dark place. Forever buried beneath the soil, where no air will save her lungs, where her blood will turn cold, where her life will seep away.

While in a cold land far far away, a mountain labeled as Mount Estinium resting on the grounds of the Island of Fate, was where Sabrina's group was situated.

They were there to seek answers from Kismet and now, they could finally get it though fear twisted them as they expected negatively.

Kismet showered them in unworldly glow, one that bled with divine and grace. Kismet's physical structure shifted as its sculpted lips parted to speak. "You are brought by questions that have gathered you all before me. Destiny ties with the future I see. Well, this is one of the several possibilities. We'll see if the woven fate is chosen by the fabric of the options you have stitched."

Everyone shared an uneasy glance at each other before Snowdust took a brave step forward and knelt down, encouraging others to do the same. "We simply look for answers, that is all and we'll be out of your way," Snowdust said, refusing to meet Kismet's eyes.

"I can make do with your mortal goals. For you have crossed and brought down peril, the reward I grant you shall be free of payment. No souls will be forced out of their respective shells, for they shall remain in it to keep the body alive." Kismet announced the fortunate news, causing the group to release a collective sigh of relief.

Blood World - Book Three ✓Where stories live. Discover now