Endingfour: stigma

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Being in love has a pretty bad stigma behind it. You will sacrifice everything you hold dear for your significant other and you will enjoy it, dammit. Oh, you're gay? Guess what, you're gonna die for being in love. Why? A m e r i c a. Your family and friends will hate you for falling in love with the wrong person? Men will only use you for sex! Women only like guys who treat them like shit! The rest don't exist so we don't care! If you're bi, you're greedy! If you're gay, you're going to hell! If you're straight, you'll get played! Hail Satan! It's all bullshit. I laugh in the face of bullshit.

That being said, I'm pretty confident she likes me. I've made a specific effort to compliment her so she likes me, and I don't get my heart broken. But now, as she looks between us all, her perfect eyes flicking from one to another, I feel anxiety bubble up in me. I play with my hands and look at the floor, slowly edging backwards. What the fuck will I do without her? I mean, I'll be jealous, obviously, but then what? When you love someone, do you fight for them or do you let them go?


"Yessssss!" Jimin yells, clapping a bit before grabbing Yoongi's arm, "you owe me twenty bucks!"

I laugh a bit out of relief. For a second I was really worried. I shuffle over to where she's sat and hug her, then kiss her cheek. When I pull back, she's bright red and won't look at me.

"Aww, you're cute when you're flustered."

"Shut up, I hate you."

"Wow," Yoongi smiles. "Women and their mood swings."

Jungkook quietly rolls his eyes. And the game goes on. Y/N doesn't look like she's paying attention, and Jin looks like he's about to have a panic attack over Jungkook any second. Yoongi slowly slides over twenty bucks to Jimin. Namjoon, after being dared, breaks his hand punching a hole through the wall. Jungkook is dying, probably.

But Y/N's at my side now. And though things seem, bad, it'll probably be fine. That's what love is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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