"Niall Guthrie." Niall spoke with a slight accent, Lily noticed, still staring at him. He waved at Haidan and his gaze flickered over to where Lily was standing. He could see her more clearly than the others with her red hair. "What about your other friend?"

Jack frowned at Lily's silence and walked up to her. Her red hair was completely dry from Niall's air arrival, her sling in tatters, but Lily's eyes were wide in shock. "Lily?" Jack rested a hand on her arm. "Lily Nerida Morgan, are you in there?"

Niall frowned at the name but Lily spoke before he could say anything. "This is too much of a coincidence." She said, looking between Haidan and Niall. "This is crazy."

"Crazier than being flown back metres by someone falling from the sky?" Haidan scowled, walking over to the three of them. He wasn't thinking about how there were three other supernaturals in front of him, how he wasn't alone. If he started to think about that then he'd lose the rest of his mind.

Lily shook her head. "I told you that the rogues were hunting for four supernaturals - we're now all in this clearing."

"Hang on," Niall raised a ghostly pale hand. "Me? Hunted? Since when?"

Lily stared at Jack as the pieces started to fit in her mind. Jack was wondering if she'd eventually spit them out or if they'd be waiting for hours to hear her answers. "The rogues want to get rid of anything stronger than their leader, so there would be no higher power to threaten the freedom they chose." Lily explained, "And those threats, us, are all standing right here."

Haidan raised both his hands while Niall's violet eyes widened in shock. "Wait, I still haven't agreed to this group thing." He scowled, stepping away. "You still haven't told me anything. For all I know werewolves don't exist and you're all from an insane asylum."

"Oh for goodness sake Haidan!" Jack glared at him. "I came in this clearing glowing green and Niall here fell from the sky and isn't a pile of broken bones right now. Our eyes glow. We're supernatural. You're in denial!"

Haidan narrowed his eyes. "I get we're different Jack, but this whole 'Team Up to Stop Evil' thing? 'There are people trying to kill us and you're our only hope'? It just sounds like it's from a movie, it doesn't sound real. I don't believe it."

Jack's glare didn't ease. "Why doesn't it sound real?" She said bluntly. "Do I look like a liar?"

"Is the latter meant to be a trick question?"

"How dare-"

"Jacinta Garcia-Slater." Lily spoke over them, rendering them silent and a fierce glare from Jack at her full name. "The witch who can heal."

Lily stared at Haidan, swallowing her nerves. "Haidan Tariq, the phoenix whose fire births the sun." She watched his eyes widen before turning to the other boy who'd fallen from the sky.

Her expression softened for a moment. "Niall Guthrie, the nymph who has leashed the skies."

Niall raised an eyebrow, his eyes brightening from violet to a pearl pink as the wind picked up beneath his bare feet. "What about you?" He grinned, his eyes dancing around her blurry outline. He wished he wasn't almost blind so he could see their faces, see Lily's face. "What's your epic superhero title?"

Supernova. The word echoed in her mind for a second before Lily looked away from Niall's bright eyes and shrugged, finding her feet suddenly fascinating. "I'm just Lily, I don't know what I am."

Jack paused, knowing Lily could tell them she's the Supernova. Why was she holding back on that? She was powerful, the most powerful, why wasn't she embracing it and shouting it to the world?

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