He didn't feel pain at all, and to his relief, only a layer of his clothing was damaged by Sabrina's knuckles. Without hesitation, Vladimir blew a violent punch across Sabrina's face.

The wolf guards entered the scene, quickly dragging Vladimir and the other vampire out of the den. Sabrina dropped to her knees, panting, and so did Divinity. Snowdust returned to her human form, dusting off her clothing before racing towards Sabrina.

She bent down and asked, "Are you two alright? We must get you both to the infirmary," She looked around and yelled for help, "Help! I need people to help me bring these two to the infirmary."

Two wolf guards immediately ran into aid and carried Divinity and Sabrina from the ground. Snowdust instantly remembered Priyanka, still in her crib. She sprinted back to the garden to find The Royal Family of the Agnes Den, Lisa, Seth, and her sister, Stella close with each other, shaking in fear.

"What happened to Vladimir?" Seth jumped up to his feet, closing in on Snowdust.

She breathed out an exhausted sigh, "He's been taken cared of. Right now I need to prepare weapons. And, Priyanka..." She ambled towards the crib to find Priyanka safely sleeping.

Lisa came forward and held her mother's hand, "I had to comfort her while the ongoing commotion."

Snowdust gazed at her with a sweet smile, and tucked a strand behind her ear, "Thank you dear."

Queen Eleanor strode towards Snowdust and rested a hand on her shoulder, "Jones was about to say that The Agnes Den would like to request alliance from The Lycan Den. The Tundra has already accepted ours so now it is up to you, your decision."

Snowdust didn't bother weighing her options, she nodded her head and accepted. "We are now allies." She confirmed it, and with that, Queen Eleanor grinned from ear to ear.

"Excellent! King Agnes and I will discuss military plans whenever you request. We are available any time you need, do not hesitate to call us." Queen Eleanor pulled Snowdust to an embrace. "Thank you for saying yes to our alliance, it would do me great pleasure to be by your side."

Snowdust gave her a smile, though it didn't reach her eyes, "Of course. Who would deny?"

Queen Eleanor bowed, "King Jones, Prince Jamie, and I shall leave now. The den can't wait for the news."

Snowdust and Queen Eleanor bid each other farewell before parting ways.

Inside the palace, Snowdust briskly sauntered down a hallway and stopped in her tracks when she reached a door to her right. She twisted the knob and made her way inside. The scarce moonlight streamed through the glass window, enough to light up the dim bedchamber.

She knelt down to her knees before an odd looking wooden floor, she easily opened the trapdoor by using her nails. In it was a ruby pendant, a blood orb, and her trusty pistol. She stood up to grab a satchel sitting on her desk then started loading it up with items.

Footsteps pounded from outside the bedroom, Snowdust quickly slammed the trapdoor shut and hid her satchel under her bed then straightened the creases on her dress. The footfalls became silent as the door swung open. Her sister, Stella, walked inside, an eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing?" She asked, folding her arms. Snowdust sat on the mattress of her bed, desiring a slumber. She peered at the window before she laid her eyes on Stella.

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