Chapter 4

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"I won!" Cassandra grinned, fist bumping the air and dancing around awkwardly to celebrate her victory.

Spencer simply laughed, but Delilah pulled out her phone from her back pocket and began to record her friend's dancing.

"Oh, yeah. I won. I- hey!" Cassandra exclaimed once she saw Delilah recording her.

"Smile for the camera," Delilah teased, trying not to laugh so as not to shake her phone.

"Stop it! Turn that off right this instant!" Cassandra shrieked, laughing a bit as she did so.

"Nope," Delilah grinned.

Cassandra quickly snatched her friend's phone from her hands and stopped the video. "I'm deleting this," she said defiantly.

"No," Delilah whined, reaching for her cell phone. "Give it back."

Cassandra held her back. "Not happening until I delete this video," she laughed, holding the phone in the air.

Spencer chuckled at the two and easily took the phone from Cassandra. After quickly text messaging himself the video, he return Delilah's property to her.

"Spencer!" Cassandra reprimanded.

"Thanks, Spenc," Delilah sighed. ""

"Sounds good. There's a Starbucks at the other end of the mall. Let's go there," Cassandra suggested, running her fingers over her smooth, blue painted nails. "I could use another Frappuccino."

"Me too," Delilah agreed, sliding her phone back into her pocket as they began to walk away.

"Let's roll," Spencer nodded, snapping his fingers.

Cassandra and Delilah stopped in their tracks at the exact same time and slowly turned their heads to look at him, both giving him disapproving looks.

"What?" Spencer frowned.

"Don't try to be cool," Cassandra sighed, shaking her head.

Spencer scoffed. "I don't try to be cool. I am cool."

Delilah patted him on the back. "Sure you are," she chuckled. "Come on. I'm going to go through some serious caffeine withdrawal if I don't get some coffee."

"Agreed. Let's go," Cassandra nodded.

The two girls began to walk away, but Spencer stood in his place for a second, trying to understand what happened. "Wait. Are you guys saying I'm not cool?" He asked as he jogged up to them.

"What do you mean? I never said that," Delilah replied, playing dumb.

Cassandra stifled a laugh, winking at her friend.

Spencer huffed and continued to follow them in silence.

After a little bit of walking, they arrived at Starbucks and sat down at a table for two, pulling up an extra chair so that they could all sit together.

"Thank god," Cassandra sighed dramatically. "I thought we'd never get here."

Delilah chuckled at her friend. "I don't feel like getting up."

"Me either," Cassandra agreed. "Spencer?"

"Yes?" He sighed.

"Will you get our orders if we give you the cash?" Delilah asked hopefully.

"Well, the way I see it is that if I say no, I'll likely either beaten up or iced out, and if I say yes, my friends will still remain my friends...yeah, I'll go with the second option," Spencer nodded.

Delilah handed him some cash and asked for a vanilla bean creme Frappuccino.

After Cassandra gave her order, Spencer walked off to go wait in line and the girls began to talk.

"So, what's new with you?" Delilah smiled.

"Nothing, really," Cassandra sighed. "My father leaves for another business trip in a few days."

"Oh, yeah?" Delilah asked with great interest.

"Tampa, Florida," her friend replied disinterestedly, checking her phone for texts.

Delilah's heart skipped a beat. "Tampa? Tampa, Florida? Your father is going to Tampa, Florida?"

Cassandra nodded. "I wonder if he'll run into Dylan."

"Cassie, don't you see? This is our chance!" Delilah exclaimed excitedly. "We could go with your father to Tampa and see Dylan!"

Cassandra shook her head. "Sorry, but no. I've tried getting him to let me tag along on his business trips. He won't allow it."

Delilah's smile vanished just as quickly as had appeared. "Oh," she said quietly, sinking back into her chair.

Cassandra sat up suddenly. "Wait! I have an idea," she grinned.

"Yeah?" Delilah asked, perking up a bit.

"I think I might just be able to convince him to let us go with him."

"How?" Delilah asked in wonder. "If he's already said-"

"No, just hear me out," Cassandra interjected. "He owes me a favor because he went on a business trip a few months ago and missed my cello recital. He promised he'd make it up to me in a special way and I get to choose how."

Delilah grinned excitedly. "Oh, this just might work! Great thinking, Cassie!"

"Thanks," Cassandra smiled.

Both girls looked at each other silently for a moment before squealing in unison.

"What's the excitement about?" Spencer chuckled, handing them their drinks.

"We might be able to go see Dylan," the girls said at the same time.

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