Part 2 Meeting Clarence

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"STUDENTS, STUDENTS ON THE BUS, ON THE BUS!" Yelled Mrs Summers. I ran on to the bus to find no empty seats except for one. "Manella THANKYOU you saved a seat for me!" I smiled. "I've cause I saved a seat for you! We're best friends!" She replied. "I hope we are in the same dorm" I said. "Me too" smiled Manella. "AHAHAHA" laughed Eleanor and Ariana from behind us. "Girls be more quiet" said Mrs Summers. "but-but AHAHAHAHA" the girls burst out laughing again. "Umm well Eleanor was making a funny fa- AHAHAHAH' I rolled my eyes and turned to face Manella. "Is that your sister?" Asked Manella staring into my blue eyes searching for a hidden answer. "I've told you for the 100th time she is not my sister" I said angrily. "But you look so alike" she said whinging. I didn't talk to her for the rest of the trip. I don't want anyone knowing I'm sisters with Ariana because it's embarrassing. Soon we arrived at the airport. I didn't get a choice I had to sit next to one of the meanest girls in the entire school, Sydney Bambrick. "What ya doi'n Arina?" Smirked Sydney. "Not much" I replied. "Umm do you have a horse?" She asked me. "Yeah" I replied. "Wow what's your horses name?" Smiled Sydney. "Angel" I replied. "How many hands?" "14" I replied. "Cool" she said. "What's your horses name?" I asked. "Umm her name is Candy" "cool" I smiled. "You should come over sometime" said Sydney. "Yeah" I said happily. I am so happy I just made friends with the meanest girl in the entire school Sydney Bambrick! "Hey Sydney" said Ariana. "Hey Girlfriend" replied Sydney smiling. Well you might not know but my twin is best friends with Eleanor and Sydney. After talking to Sydney about my horses and our sleepover we arrived in Hawaii. "I hope you are in my dorm" said Sydney happily. I smiled at her.

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