Chapter 25

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She'd successfully made it to evidence, checked the items in with Fran, received her slip and snuck out without running into Mark. She quickly sent him an email from her computer at work before closing up the office for the night.

She gave Mac a quick call to explain why she was running late so he wouldn't worry. He'd been outside running Reego and sounded breathless when he'd answered.

"Ok babe. I appreciate you calling, I was starting to worry."

"I know," she smiled to herself imagining him muscled and sweaty on the other end of the phone. "I'm just going to run by the store for parmesan and ricotta cheese then I'll be home. Tell fur face hey."

"Hey fur face, mom says hi," She heard a short bark. "He says hi back. I'll see you in twenty then?"

"Bout that. Love you."

"I love you too. Be careful" She still blushed every time he said it. She couldn't believe a guy like him really had fallen for her.

"I will." Brenna disconnected the call and headed out to her car.

She was grateful to have missed the after work rush at the market and was able to get in, get her items and get out fairly easily. The highway was the fastest route home but Brenna hated how busy it was and usually took a little used rural road instead.

Tomorrow would be Halloween and although this was a rural area that wouldn't likely see a lot of trick-or-treaters many of the homes were still decorated with spooky decorations and lights. Brenna drove slowly enjoying each family's creative efforts. Eventually she passed into an area where the lots were bigger and the homes farther apart.

 She passed through a sweeping S curve and saw a glint as her headlights fell on something metal out of the corner of her eye. She knew from her daylight passes that there weren't any buildings in the field next to the S curve and wondered what could have made the glint.

Her mind created images of a wrecked vehicle in thedarkness of the field full of bloodied teenagers needing medical attention and her foot hit the brake. Carefully she backed up until her headlights again landed on the shining object in the field.

She had to squint to see it; it was a distance from the pavement but did appear to be a vehicle in the tall grass. Brenna grabbed the portable radio from her passenger seat and a flashlight from the glove compartment. She turned on the radio and checked the signal before keying the mic.

"Central from FI280" She waited for acknowledgement before continuing. "I've got a vehicle off the roadway at the north end of the S curve on Fredericks Lane. Can you send me law enforcement. I'll be checking for occupants."

The dispatcher responded that she would and Brenna carefully made her way down the soft shoulder and toward the vehicle. The closer she got the more she could see. It looked to be a dark blue or black smaller passenger car. She wondered at how it had gotten so far off the road when it didn't look to be the type that would have all wheel drive.

It must have all but launched off the roadway she mused; that would have taken a great deal of speed. Maybe a drunk? The driver side door was hanging open as she reached the car and a quick sweep of her flashlight told her it was empty. She took a closer look searching for blood or other signs of someone having been injured but didn't find any.

Frowning she walked to the back of the car and shown her light on the license plate.

"Central from FI280 prepare to copy plate."  She depressed the mic and waited for the dispatcher to tell her she was ready. Suddenly her head exploded with pain, a bright light flashed behind her eyes and she knew nothing else as her body collapsed onto the high grass.

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