Chapter 19

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Mac was silent all the way to the restaurant. His mind worked overtime analyzing and discarding scenarios and options at an accelerated pace. He hadn't liked seeing Herrick waiting for them outside of the sheriffs office. Despite Brenna's assurances, Mac's gut told him that is exactly what he'd been doing.

The restaurant Brad recommended looked like the good ol' type of greasy spoon diner that had great burgers and pie. The waitress behind the counter had told them to sit anywhere they pleased. They chose a booth by the window so they could keep an eye on Reego in the truck with the windows down.

The waitress was young and perky in her screen printed logo t-shirt and jeans. Brenna smiled inwardly when she made a point to lean in close to Mac while she pointed out their special for the day on the menu. To his credit he didn't seem to notice the large, firm mammarys that had been presented for his inspection.

In the end, Mac ordered the special, a behemoth burger which appeared very aptly named and fries with a large plain burger patty to go for Reego. Brenna chose the mushroom Swiss burger and the soup of the day. The sat drinking ice tea in comfortable silence after the waitress made her exit.

"Have you had any contact with Herrick?" Mac finally broke the silence.

"Not direct, no. Detective Brewster did all of the interviewing after we established our three main suspects." She knew where he was going with this. He was worried about her after seeing Herrick outside the sheriff's office. "He would likely know that the fire department is part of the investigation. It is a fire matter after all."

"If he were watching the fires he'd have seen you though. Right? A lot of criminals do that; stick around to watch the results of their work."

She nodded. He was right. She waited for him to continue but that seemed to be all he was going to say on the matter for now. Their food arrived and served as a good distraction for a time.

"Brad was right. Then again he usually is in all matters pertaining to food." Mac had insisted on paying the bill and they were standing outside the Expedition watching Reego gulp down his snack.

"Will you do me a favor?" Mac looked at her earnestly from his place leaning up against the hood of the truck. He looked very stoic and masculine with his tattooed arms crossed against his very well formed chest.

"Hmmm....depends." She answered playfully in hopes of lightening the mood.

He didn't lose his serious look. "It's important to me. I really need you to pay really close attention to your surroundings for me. Double check your doors. Check your rearview mirror when your traveling. Stuff like that. Just be a little extra aware."

She fought the urge to roll her eyes. She appreciated his concern but thought he was likely overreacting. The rigid set of his face and the tense posture of his body conveyed his very real concern and she relented.

"I will. I promise." He pushed off from the vehicle and wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you." He planted a kiss at her hairline. "So business is concluded. After we drop off the truck what do you want to do?"

"Relax. I propose my couch, wine, a movie and maybe if you are lucky I might even let you in the hot tub with me." It felt amazing to just stand in the circle of his arms, pressed up against his hard body. She'd missed casual intimate contact.

"What are my chances at naked hot tub?" He could feel the rumble of her chuckle under his hands and smiled.

"Maybe." She whispered after a moment. He kissed her hairline again. After a few more minutes they finally parted. Mac cleaned up after Reego and took him for a walk to attend to his business. When he returned Brenna was waiting for him in the idling Expedition. They drove back in companionable silence.

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