Chapter 21

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Mac was there at ten til to follow her home. By that time Brenna was more than ready to head home. She had already written the day off as one of the most stressful and unproductive of recent history.

Mac followed her home and exited the truck carrying a paper bag of Italian takeout, a small bag of dog food and his overnight bag. Reego trailed close on his heels.

"What is all this?"

"This is dinner," he lifted his right hand, "and this is everything Reego and I need to spend a couple days here."

"Oh really? Do I have any say in this?" She unlocked the door and both man and dog followed her inside. Mac made a sound similar to clearing his throat. Reego's ears stood to attention and he took off into the depths of her darkened home with his back straight and his nose to the ground.

"He's just checking the house. It'll just be a minute. As for your question, I understand how you might not like it and I totally understand if I'm relegated to the couch but I won't sleep any better at home worrying about you. Or sleeping in my truck down the road if you absolutely refuse."

Reego returned with a much more relaxed posture and Mac gave him another command, a treat and a vigorous body rub.

Brenna exhaled loudly and dropped her hands at her side before heading to the kitchen. Mac visibly relaxed having anticipated a much larger show of disapproval. In fact, her simple acceptance belayed her obvious unease with the situation. He dropped his bag on the couch and followed her into the kitchen.

"We have work in the morning, pretty early; I promise we'll try not to disturb you too much."

Brenna filled a glass from the tap and stood leaned up against the counter watching him. Her face was unreadable and Mac felt uncomfortable. Belatedly he regretted his high handed decision to barge in and protect her without consulting her first. It crossed his mind that he might have just destroyed his chances with her.

After a moment she put her glass down and approached him, her face still blank. He had no idea what was coming but braced for whatever it was. He was surprised when she rose up on tip toes and kissed him lightly. "So what have you brought for dinner?"


Several hours later he listened to her breath softly in the dark. They'd eaten dinner and he'd watched television with Reego while she'd taken a bath. When he'd asked her for sheets and a blanket for the couch she just chuckled and led him upstairs.

They hadn't done anything. He'd been too wrapped up in her safety and had forgotten to stop by the store to replenish their store of protection. He'd confessed his failure before their kissing could get too out of hand and she assured it was fine as she'd had a long and day and more than anything just wanted him to hold her.

She fit perfectly against his body with her head on his shoulder. He liked that every breath he took smelled of soft lavender and Brenna. His arm was starting to fall asleep but he'd be damned if he'd move it and risk disturbing her.

It had only been four weeks since he'd met her in the crowded concourse boarding area. He had no idea how she'd become so very dear to him. When he thought of Herrick anywhere within 10 feet of her his blood boiled and his hands and teeth clenched.

Mac wasn't an unintelligent man; he knew that anger is a secondary emotion. He knew that the source of his uneasiness was truly fear. Fear of losing the woman nestled in his arms and causing his hand to tingle painfully.

In a very short time she had become essential to his life. The thought of her being injured or harmed in anyway created tightness in his chest and difficulty breathing.

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