Chapter 23

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Brenna wasn't outside the station like all the other times, she was sitting at a table on the beach outside the beach house in Cozumel and she wasn't alone. Mac sat in the chair to her right and Greg in the chair to her left. As far as she could tell they were about to enjoy breakfast by the sea.

Slowly her mind tried to wade through the confusion, Greg was gone so how was he here, oh yes, it's a dream. This was much more pleasant than her usual dreams, reaching forward she grasped the pitcher of orange juice. No one was going to shoot at her in this dream and despite knowing that Greg was gone she wouldn't have to relive the awful day it had happened.

It was strange to have Mac and Greg at the same table, they had never met and in light of the circumstances it should have been very awkward but instead was somehow comforting. Mac's presence had that affect on her. Neither male seemed to mind and they all sat in companionable silence munching on scones, coffee and juice.

Eventually Greg spoke, the sea breeze ruffling his sandy blonde hair. "I'm sure she's let the garage go to hell. She would always just set down whatever she was using wherever after she was done with it, never where it actually went."

"I went in there after something the other day. Pretty messy but not too awful." Dream Mac spread butter on a scone and took a bite.

"Does she still have little frozen icicles for feet when she comes to bed?" Dream Greg took a sip of coffee while smiling knowingly at Brenna.

Mac rolled his eyes and nodded while still chewing.

"I'm right here you know?" She pointed to both men with the butter knife she'd just picked up. "I can hear you."

"I know sweetheart. I'm just making sure Mac knows exactly what a precious gem I'm handing over to him." Greg leaned to his side and planted a kiss on her cheek. Brenna reached up and touched the place his lips had just been. It had felt so real. His eyes, still close but receding as he leaned back were exactly as she remembered them, right down to the little crow's feet that had just begun to grow in the outer creases.

"I do know, and I thank you. I promise she will be well taken care of." Mac was staring at Greg across the table in rapt earnestness. They were obviously sharing a silent moment of conversation Brenna didn't understand in the least.

Brenna let out an irritated sigh. "Even in my dreams men are pushy, high handed heathens! I'm not a jewel, I'm a person. I can take care of myself. I choose to love." She leaned back in the chair with her arms crossed.

"Trust me babe, I know." Mac leaned in and brushed her hair back before kissing her forehead. She stole a glance over at Greg. He had a wistful but happy smile on his face and it tugged at her heart.

"I miss you." She whispered in a voice choked by the emotion welling up in her chest. "I haven't forgotten you, I never will. I still love you."

"I know, I love you too, but I'm gone. I can't be here for you. It's good that Mac can be." He took her hand in his and ran his thumb softly over her knuckles. "I'm glad you have him."

The table was gone, along with the chairs and all the food. Suddenly the three of them were standing barefoot in the sand with the surf lapping at their ankles.

Greg raised the hand still in his and kissed her fingers softly. "I have to go."

Brenna shook her head silently as the tears coursed down her cheeks. It wasn't a sharp pain like when he had died but it still hurt a dull throbbing ache that encompassed her whole chest and left her unable to speak.

Mac placed a comforting arm around her and she could feel his soft breath brushing by her ear. Greg dropped her hand and began to walk away.

"No." She cried softly but didn't follow. She knew somehow that she couldn't follow even if she tried. Finally she turned and burrowed her head into Mac's chest. They stood in silence, him stroking her hair softly and her breathing deep, trying to reign in her emotions.

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