Chapter 20

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Brenna awoke with a smile. She was pleasantly sore and very comfortable. Warm sun shone through the muslin curtains onto the tan and tattooed arm draped across her waist. He had very fine light hairs, she'd never noticed them before, only the tattoos. Very softly she ran her finger tips up his arm as far as she could reach.

The arm flexed and pulled her in closer to him. Her back was flush to his warm chest and he nuzzled the back of her neck before laying a line of kisses along her shoulder. She couldn't help smiling in rapt pleasure at the feel of his lips on her skin. She replayed the night before briefly in her mind, the couch and then the bed.

She had to admit, it had all been glorious and exactly what she had needed.

The large warm man behind her had completed his circuit and finished with a soft kiss behind her ear that sent shivers throughout her body.

"That seems to be a good spot. Noted for the future," he chuckled in his deep throaty morning voice.

She only made a small noncommittal hum of approval. Slowly he traced his hand down her arm and laced his fingers with hers. He nuzzled into her hair and kissed the spot again.

"Are you good with that? I'd like a chance to earn a future with you." He brought her hand up and kissed her knuckles.

Brenna turned into his arms so that she could look into his eyes. He was beautiful. She cupped his face as she searched her heart for the right words.

"You don't have to earn anything. This feels good. Let's just keep going and see what happens?"

Mac smiled wide and kissed her forehead. "Anything you say lady."

"Really? Anything I say huh?" she made a show of tapping her lips in thought. "In that case I would like to see your skills in making coffee?"

Mac pulled away from her and got out of bed. "Your wish is my command!" he announced before stalking out of the room bare assed naked.

"Pants!" she yelled after him.

"Don't need them!" he yelled back up the stairs. Brenna pulled the sheet up over her head while praying that Karen wasn't watching the house with her binoculars this morning. She'd be getting a lot more than she'd bargained for if she was.


Brenna was in no great hurry to make it to work but she was running late but the time she made it there. Mac had joined her in the shower so it had taken twice as long as normal. True to his word, coffee and toast with strawberry jam awaited her once they'd finally made it out.

Another steamy make out session had ensued against the side of her car before she was able to disengage herself and enter the vehicle. She'd watched him in her rear view mirror as he loaded Reego up into the pickup. She'd watched wistfully as she'd pulled away down the driveway and to the main road.

Work was difficult, thoughts of Mac and the night before kept playing through her mind. They hadn't decided on when they'd see each other next but it didn't seem like it could be fast enough. The years of celibacy hadn't seemed hard but now that they were broken it seemed impossible to imagine another night alone.

Belatedly she realized that in her distracted state she hadn't brought anything for lunch. Around noon her loudly growling stomach was making her already unproductive day worse. With a quick wave to Brad she walked down the street to the supermarket in search of sustenance.

After combing the aisles in frustration she finally settled on a chicken salad, small tub of hummus and a bag of pita chips. At the last minute she veered toward the drink aisle. Turning the corner sharply she walked directly into the body of a tall, tan, blonde man who smelled strongly of sweat and grass.

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