Chapter Four:

10 2 2

Sunday 11am
*Gi Gi*

I hadn't heard from Jordyn since friday. I was starting to worry about her. She wasn't answering my phone calls, inbox or dms. I had Isaiah drop me off at Jordyn's house before he went to work an extra few hours. We should be laid in the bed full from breakfast but instead me and Junior were getting ready to sit at Jordyn's house for the next couple hours.

"Okay Mami, I will be back. We will have dinner together as a family in enough time for Saiah to go to sleep on time,"

"...It is a school night Isaiah,"

I cut him off.
" The moment you can leave that warehouse, I want you home. "

I had to laid it out on the table for him. He thinks too much about the hours and money he wants to make, I just want time with my family. He  He can sit a day or two out a week. He will work everyday if they would let him. I know he does it for us, but I need my nigga at home.

"I'm just covering for a few hours love."

"You always say that shit and then I'm cuddled with Junior instead of you. Did you put his new big boy bed up for nothing??"

I gave him my 'I'm Not Fucking Playing With Yo Ass' look.

"You are so cute when you are mad. He will be in his own bed tonight."

He looked back at Saiah.

"Aint that right DaDa?"

Junior smiled and giggled and said,

"No DaDa!"

I bursted out with a laugh.

"I want you home Isaiah, in a few hours."

"And I will be home in no more than 3 hours."

He kissed me on my cheek a couple times to make his way to my lips and then a little on my neck.

"Stop don't do that,"

I said as I giggled and held his head lightly because I honestly didn't want him to stop.

"No forreal, go so you can come home."

I reluctantly pushed his head away and kissed him on the lips one more time before exchanging goodbyes. I got out the car and let Saiah out of his carseat.

"Give Daddy a kiss Saiah Bear."

"Buhbye DaDa."

"Bye bye DaDa Man,"

Isaiah wanted Saiah's 1st words to be DaDa so bad that they just called one another DaDa bow which is honestly THE cutest thing I've ever witnessed. Seeing Little and Big Saiah interact always makes me enables a smile on my face.

"...I will see y'all in a little bit, I love you Gionna."

"I want you home as soon as possible. I love you too honey."

I grabbed Saiah's diaper bag, that at his age was filled with toys and snacks, before closing the door. We walked hand and hand to the front door. I rang the doorbell twice and waved Isaiah off as I enter the door opened by Josiah.

Jordyn: A Teenage Mother Saga (In Progress 10/14/21)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن