As we were walking I felt Charlotte's eyes glancing at me every once in awhile. When I turned around to look at her she'd glance away. But it didn't take long for her to turn her head around and for our eyes to meet. Her mouth slightly moved opened as if she were preparing herself to say something she would later regret. "Henry... I'm sorry about earlier. I know I came off a bit rude but I was just mad about-"

"It's cool Charlotte." I interrupted gently as on her face formed a small comforting smile. That smile on her face caused my heart to melt. It always makes me happy to see her happy. And it's a shame that in some way I managed to ruin that. I was finally able to walk around freely. Not feeling the slight feel of guilt in my chest. Charlotte and I arrived at a stoplight. Cars were zooming past us like crazy animals. As the lights suddenly turned to red and the small walking character was to be seen from the other side, Charlotte and I looked both ways and crossed the road.

As we were walking we earned a couple glares from the people of our surroundings. Some were looking at us with smiles and admiration as others seemed disgusted and disturbed. I ignored them as I knew these people had nothing better to do. But from the looks of it, it seemed as Charlotte was having a hard time. She seemed a bit uncomfortable as she kept digging herself further back into her hoodie. I slightly bent down to her level, close enough to be at a reasonable distance to whisper in her ear. "Char you okay?" I asked as she slightly nodded her head. But I knew she was obviously lying. I slightly hesitated but finally had enough courage to reach my arm out and wrap it protectively around Charlotte's shoulders. I ignored the tiny pit of tingles I felt as I touched her and continued walking.

I was a bit surprised at her actions. Instead of complaining and pushing my arm away, she took in a deep breath and relaxed. I even felt her push against me even more. Her arm rubbing against my stomach, her head slightly resting on my chest making it easy for me to smell her coconut scented shampoo. It's crazy to think that just a couple minutes ago she was ready to whoop my ass. But now, we're here. In this position, her probably thinking this in the most innocent way but on the other hand I'm freaking out. My heart is slamming itself against everything, but it didn't take long for it to increase at a faster pace.

My eyes widen at what I was witnessing. I suddenly stopped walking and stared at the beautiful sight. There it was. Swellview Park. In its once beautiful state again. I felt my mouth open wide a little as I stared at all the kids playing around and having fun. The grass was a beautiful green colour. It was actually alive! Trees were to be seen almost in every direction giving the place its forest vibes. No graffiti, no trash, no garbage no nothing! Only laughs, smiles, falling leaves and flowers. My inner thoughts were already flooded with memories of my childhood and... Charlotte.


"Henry, this is beautiful." Charlotte beamed as she looked around in shock. Her reaction was priceless. I would've paid anything just to see it again. I watched as she admired the sparkling lake at this beautiful sunset. I watched as her face glowed from admiration.

"Okay, I'll admit, you did good Hart." Charlotte smiled which caused another grin to spread across my face. I swear it must've been my 100th one because at this point my face was hurting. But of course around her I couldn't control myself.

My eyes never left Charlotte's as she starred in the far away distance. Out of the blue I grabbed her hands causing her to turn around and look at me sweetly. I felt my throat tickle from the slightest pit of nervousness in my stomach. Her hands were warm in mines just as they were a couple minutes ago. We stared deeply into each other's eyes as I was mentally preparing myself for the upcoming event. "Charlotte?" I started off slowly.


"You know I love you right?"

"Yes I know Henry and I love you too."

I slightly smiled at her answer before continuing. "You know I would do anything for you right?"


"You know that to me you're the most beautiful and amazing person in the world right?"

This time all she replied with was a small nod of the head.

"You know that whatever happens I would cherish and love you no matter what right? Because you know that even if I tried I could never find anyone better than you. We were 8 when we first met and you've helped me threw good times and bad. You were the first person I could come to with all my problems in life, including the one where it required all my ex girlfriends." I paused taking in a deep breath as I took the time to admire the love of my life. In her eyes held tears, tears of joy and delight. "Now Charlotte I know you've done a lot for me in the past but I'm going to have to ask you one more thing."

I reached in to my right pocket. Brought out the small rectangular ribbon box and easily opened it revealing a small diamond ring. Charlotte's eyes were over fled with tears but I would be lying if I said I wasn't lightly crying myself. I took in a deep breath. Rehearsing everything in my head that I've been practicing for since a year ago. I took in a deep breath. Trying to avoid any voice cracks that may come for a visit.
"Charlotte... would you be the hero to my sidekick?"

Charlotte's hands flew to her mouth as she nodded her head vigorously. "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!"

With that I smiled and placed the ring on her finger officially making her my fiancé. I got up and she barely gave me a second to catch my balance as she instantly attacked me with a hug. I wrapped my arms around her back as I heard her lightly whimpering. I disconnected our bodies from each other and instantly connected her lips to mines causing us to fall into a deep for filling kiss.

End of Flashback

"Uhh, Henry? You okay there? You seem a bit overwhelmed." I instantly shook my head.  I looked around as I forgot where we were for a second. I breathed out as I remembered I was walking around with Charlotte. I took a glance behind her starring at the park and returned my attention back to the teenager in front of me.

"Charlotte could we maybe... study here?" I asked quite nervously. Her face formed a mixed of confusion. As if she wasn't taking what I said seriously. She raised an eyebrow and looked behind her. "You're kidding right? It's already freezing out here-"

"Please? I swear I'll make it up to you." I begged her starring deeply into her eyes to find any type of weakness. She instantly rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Fine... but I swear if you don't see me tomorrow at school you'll know why." She scolded me as I lightly chuckled. We headed towards the park and sat down near a big, healthy tree.


17 AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora