07: I Love Her, But..

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Murasakibara Atsushi's POV

The constant ringing of the alarm, the knocks on the door, my name being repeatedly called out--that's what I hate about mornings.

Groaning, I lazily opened my eyes then reached for the alarm. I turned it off, crawling out of bed. There was a knock on my door again, I released a yawn before heading to the door and then yanking the knob open--knowing that it probably were my siblings again trying to destroy the good in my morning.

"What is it? It's so anno--" I sucked into my breath upon recognizing the person standing in front of me. I could feel my drowsiness leaving me as my half-lidded eyes met her beautiful brown ones.


She immediately showed me a smile, "Good morning, Atsushi."

"W-What are you doing here?"

"Your sister said you're still in bed." Her brows furrowed, "You're going to be late for school, you should be preparing yourself by now."

Then without further ado, she let herself in and scanned her eyes around my messy room. Shimatta! I acted on impulse, I blocked her way and spred my long arms in front of her. "I'll take a shower now so you can go."

She looked up at my face, showing me a pout. "Your room before was a lot cleaner than this. What have you been doing, Atsushi?" She walked past me then placed the box she was holding on top of my bed, "It seems to me like you're trying to breed ants."

I popped a vein to that, "I am not, that's not it. And besides, why are you even here?"

I ran my fingers through my hair in attempt to fix it and sat on my bed, still not in the mood to even move. I watched her pick up some of the food wrappers that were on my floor, she put them inside the trash bin at the corner.

Somehow, I was still not fully convinced that she was there in front of me. It was just too good to be true. I may not admit it but yeah, I've waited for years. I should be happy because she's back, right? But there's just that strong feeling inside of me that was telling me it wasn't something to celebrate--that her coming back would only give me more pain. I secretly let out a sigh. It's still early and yet there I was, already thinking about complicated things.

Damn, Atsushi. This is not you. Just chill and act like how you always do.

"When I came by last night, you were already asleep. So I decided to surprise you now." She turned to me, "Were you surprised to see me?"

So she came last night, I should have waited for her. "Not a bit, I don't really care."

"Eh? How cold." When she was done cleaning up the mess on my floor, she sat beside me. "By the way, I brought breakfast. Your brothers are enjoying them right now so you better hurry up too."

I glanced at her through my shoulder. She was wearing a plain white shirt and a spongebob patterned pajamas. Her long hair was tied into a messy bun, some of her straight locks were framing her beautiful face. Her skin was so white and her cheeks had a pinkish glow as the sunlight from my open window hit them, and her lips looked so soft too. The view was enough to take my breath away. I could stare at her forever and wouldn't even feel the slightest boredom.

I nearly gasped when she tilted her head to one side then looked at me with a frown, "What's wrong?"

She caught me! Dang!

"Can't you leave already? I'm going to take a shower."

"In a minute, I have to give you something first." She handed me the box she was carrying earlier, "I hope I got the right size for you. I didn't know how much you've grown so I only trusted my instincts."

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