08: So It's You Nanodayo

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Fujima Yumi's POV


He flinched then glanced at me through his shoulder, "N-Nani ga?"

I furrowed my brows. I've been calling his name for the umpteenth time already because he seemed like he's not in his mind. He was beside me yet he also seemed so far away. Ever since we left the gym after practice, he grew silent and quite nervous for some reason.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, eyeing him thoughtfully.

However, instead of answering, he just stared at me with his half-lidded eyes. I didn't know but there was something in his stare that told me something was up. After a few seconds, he shook his head and looked away. "Nandemonai."


"Maybe he's just hungry, Yumi. That's how he is," Tatsuya said softly to me with a smile.

I nodded my head and returned his smile, "Yeah."

But it didn't seem like that to me at all, I was pretty sure that something was bothering him because I would often catch him staring at me all the way back home. Even Tatsuya had become quite bewildered of Atsushi's strange actions as well, but then he would eventually shrug it off and say that maybe the tall guy was just hungry. As always.

Until we separated ways because Tatsuya had to go the other way, Atsushi remained the same. A few streets more and we reached our house. We stopped right in front of our gate.

"Bye, Atsushi." He didn't respond or say anything, so I just gave him a small smile before turning my back. But before I could take a step inside, I felt a large hand grabbed my wrist gently, causing me to halt on my movements. Turning around, I saw Atsushi with a determined look while gazing down at me. "What's wrong?"


"Yumi! Atsushi-kun!"

Both of us turned to my grandfather by the front door of our house. I waved at him then turned to Atsushi again, "You were saying?"

He let my hand go then shook his head slowly, "It's nothing. Goodbye." And he walked away without turning his back.

I stared at his retreating figure in confusion. What's up with him? And what was he trying to say?

"What's wrong, Yumi?"

I composed myself and turned to my grandfather. I walked closer then gave him a peck on the cheek, "Nothing, Grandpa."

"Okay. We're going to Dr. Midorima now for a check-up so go upstairs and change."

I frowned, "Dr. Midorima?"

"Your Mom called, Yumi. You need a check-up every now and then," he explained softly.

I was a bit startled, but I managed to stay cool. "I know, Grandpa. It's to make sure that my body isn't rejecting this heart."

"Yes. Even though you're fine and healthy now, we still have to make sure."

I shook my head, smiling. "I understand, I don't mind the check-ups though. And besides, I missed Dr. Midorima. It's been years."

*   *   *

"Why are we here, Grandpa?" I asked curiously when we stopped in front of a big, two-storey house.

He turned to me, "Dr. Midorima wants to check on you but he also invited us for dinner."

"Really?" I fixed my eyes on the concrete house again, examining every part of it. "I've never been here before."

Sugar-coated Love (Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن