09: Invitations

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Fujima Yumi's POV

I gotta admit that talking to Shintaro was real fun. Though he wouldn't smile a lot and sometimes his words were limited, I've grown very comfortable in his company. He was nice in his own way.

I met Shizuko too, his 9-year-old younger sister. Unlike him, she was real bubbly and talkative. We even took a lot of pictures together with their Mom. Turned out they bought every magazine I've been featured in and had been supporting me in the new career I found.

It was already late when Grandpa decided to go home. We thanked them for the delicious meal and also bid goodbye, then Shintaro walked us out of their house then to our car.

"Bye, Shin-shin," I said as I opened the door to the backseat.

He released an annoyed grunt, "Stop calling me that-nanodayo."

"Why? It's cute. And besides, you don't even call me by my name." I gave him a pout, "You shouldn't call a girl idiot, you know. If you keep that up, you won't get a girlfriend."

"I told you I don't have time for that nonsense. Come on, get in the car and leave me alone-nanodayo." He pushed me inside the vehicle and even hurriedly closed the door.

I clicked my tongue then shook my head slowly. I couldn't believe he was that rude. "Goodbye, Mr. Idon'thavetimeforlove."

He didn't give a sharp retort and instead turned his back, walking away without a word. After starting the ignition, Grandpa also hit the road.

"Shintaro-kun is a bright boy," I heard my Grandpa said, glancing at me through the mirror.

I nodded my head, "Yes, he is."

"Do you like him?"

"What?" I nearly gasped with what I heard next. Then I studied his expression, I heaved a deep sigh. "I know that look, Grandpa. The same look Dr. Midorima had earlier. You think I didn't notice, did you?"

He cackled a laugh, shrugging his shoulders innocently as if I'd really buy the act. "I don't know what you're talking about, Yumi."

I rolled my eyes, "You're hooking us up, you and Dr. Midorima. Jeez, Grandpa.."

He focused on the road, pressing the horn twice then turning the wheel to make a turn. "I'm not hooking you up with Shintaro-kun. But his father likes you for his son, in fact, the entire family likes you."

I facepalmed and groaned, "Maybe they don't know that their son is planning to grow up alone. Shin-shin doesn't want to enter any romantic commitments, I saw it in his eyes. And besides, he's just a friend. You know who I really like, Grandpa."

He gave me a gentle smile, getting what I was saying. "Yeah, I know."

"I only have eyes for Atsushi. He's the only one I love," I stated with finality, returning his kind smile.


I just finished my nighttime bath when my phone rang, indicating an incoming call. I hurriedly tied my robe then went to fetch my phone which was on my bed.

I gasped as soon as I read the caller ID. However, I answered the call, "Hello?"

"Hello, Honey. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Ethan. You know I love it here, right?" I sat on the edge of my bed, scratching the scar on my chest.

"I know, that's why I let you go back there. I just want to check up on you since you didn't call me eversince you landed there."

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