Chapter 1

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Emily P.O.V

The house shakes as a bomb lands in the yard across the street. I sit with Edmund in the family room as he watches the fighter jets from the Germans drop bombs. Mother comes running into the room and closes the curtains.

"Edmund! Get away from there." She cries. He stumbles backwards.

"Peter!" Mother calls. He hurries into the room.

"Peter take him to shelter! Emily, darling. Go find your sisters." Mother tells us. I nod and the house shakes violently.

"Hurry!" Mother yells. I run upstairs and into Susan's room. I grab her torch and toss it next to her on the bed.

"Get up Su! We have to go!" I yell. She scrambles out of bed and downstairs as I instructed her to do. I run into Lucy's room and grab her gand.

"Come on, love. We need to leave. Now!" I exclaim. She nods and follows me as we run downstairs. Mother unlocks the door and we run to the shelter. But Ed stops and turns to go back to the house.

"Wait! Dad!" Edmund yells.

"Edmund no!" Mother cries. I chase after him.

"Don't worry I'll get him!" I call.

"Emily come back!" Mother pleads. We get to the family room and he grabs a picture of our dad. I hear a whistling noise and my eyes widen.

"Ed! Get down!" I yell. I pull him to the ground. The bomb blows up.

"Run Edmund run!" I cry. He grabs the picture again, fore it slipped from his grasp when I pulled him to the ground. We run towards the shelter and Edmund dives into the room next to Mum.

"Edmund you're so selfish! You never worry about anybody but yourself! You could have gotten Em killed!" Peter yells. I glare at him.

"Stop it!" I say frustratedly. He shuts his mouth. I close the door and put a hand on Edmund's shoulder.

"You okay?" I ask. He nods slowly with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah......Thanks Emí." He says quietly. I nod. I sit next to Lucy and Susan and hug them tightly. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my siblings. They mean the absolute world to me. Even Peter who is a pain when it comes to helping with Lucy or Edmund. Susan who is a little miss know-it-all. Edmund who is very self centered. But then there's Lucy. I've never had a problem with her. Ever. She's an angel. Lucy never strays far from me. I'm the only one who's stable enough to care for all of them. You'd think Peter or Susan would be the one to care for us. But no. It had to be me.

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