"You're absolutely right", Freed agreed. "So let's all go."

It wasn't easy to walk through all snow and once they got near the once beautiful castle like library built in a mountain, there weren't just snow but all kinds of trash as well. Planks, rocks, glass shards, broken statues, doors, books, everything. It was really a challenge to walk over all of that and they had to be really careful not to hurt themselves.

Finally they found some stairs that were still solid since they had been hacked right through the mountain. Carefully they climbed up, feeling slightly nervous if the ceiling would hold. There was also a possibility that the other end of the stairs had collapsed and they had to go back.

Thankfully it hadn't collapsed and they could get out. They were in the deeper part of the library that was still looking good. Of course shaking had caused all the books to drop from shelves but considering how big the destruction was, this part was in a really good shape.

"Thank god", Milalai said relieved. "Only the outer part of the library collapsed."

"Be careful", Freed reminded. "Let's not do anything hasty. Some parts might not be sturdy enough to carry our weight so do not walk around carelessly."

They nodded and scattered around, not too far apart from each other. Freed walked around, keeping his hand on his sword just in case. Part of him was still worried that something might happen. Emmett, Ichabod and Humphrey all attacked so suddenly, they could never really know when they would appear next time. Everything seemed so calm right now so it felt like someone of them might attack at any second.

Freed felt shivers when remembering Humphrey. He was so glad Laxus didn't know what all happened. Laxus could get seriously jealous after all and with his instincts if he heard someone touching his mate in an inappropriate way... There would be a storm like never before.

Freed carefully stepped on stairs that lead down. He actually had a place where he wanted to go. This part of the library was oldest, as it had been started building from inside the mountain and slowly it had expanded until people had build that castle part of the library. Since this part was almost intact, there might be some books that could help him.

He wanted to know more about Netherworld Magic. According to Ivan there wasn't many who had used that magic so finding some information would be a challenge. It belonged to the category of Lost Magic so if here were any books about it, they would be here at the oldest part of the library. There were a whole chamber full of books about magic, some of them behind locks so that people couldn't read them without a permission if they held information of dangerous magic.

This was his change to read those books since there wasn't anyone to stop him. He followed the long hallway to the most deepest parts of the mountain library, opening doors and looking around his way.

Finally he stepped in the right chamber. There were many shelves full of books. He frowned when seeing all the dust. Even if there wasn't people to read these books because it was forbidden, they should still take care of them.

The rune mage stepped beside the shelves, his finger almost touching covers as it run over them. There really was all kinds of magic. One of those books he recognized as he had read it many times. Forbidden runes. But he had no interest to take that book ever again so he continued his way.

After searching for a while, Freed stepped out of the chamber and closed the doors. He had found one book that might held information. There was no time for him to read it here so he had to borrow it for a while. He would definitely return it later, right now it was important to learn more about Yuidose's magic and considering how dusty all the books were, no one would even notice if one of the books were missing.

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