Chapter 11

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Back in the guildhall

No Pov

"ALRIGHT BRATS WE NEED TO FIND THESE DRAGON SLAYERS BEFORE WE ARE TOO LATE" Master Makarov yelled at the select people that were trying to track down the dragon slayers "Mira bring out the lacrima we have to find them now" Mira rushed out holding a lacrima "have the members of Lamia scale come yet" Erza asked Mira shook her head not yet they should be here any minute. Here is the larcima master" 

(So I'm not exactly sure how lacrima's work so I'm about to bull shit this cause why the fuck not) 

Makarov tapped the lacrima and it started to glow and all you could see was a map and a blue shinning dot and then Gray yelled "that's Hargeon" "Cana you can use your cards to form teams to figure out who is going after the dragon slayers and their mates. there will be a two-man squad to go get them and return back here chances are they won't return willingly." Makarov had stated to the present guild members Cana arose from her seat and then used her card magic. Groups had formed on the table before Cana. The guild doors burst open and in walked  Lyon and Chelia. The handful of mages welcomed the two wizards. "Master Makarov your summoning sounds urgent what's wrong" As Master Makarov explained the situation to them. Juvia walked over to Cana "So are all of these the groups and who is gonna go after who" Cana nodded her head in response. All of a sudden Juvia felt a hand on her shoulder she looked back and saw Lyon staring at her dreamily "ah hello Beloved Juvia did you miss me" "uh Juvia is uh happy to....see you" Juvia said nervously "I hope we get paired up together we would make such a great team don't you agree" Before Juvia could respond, gray walked over and lifted Lyon's hand off of Juvia's shoulder  and then put his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead Lyon's face was shocked. As he was about to say something Cana held up the groups and announced the teams 

"The first team is Erza and Mirajane you two will go after Rogue and Kagura 

Second team Laxus and I going after Gajeel and Levy 

The third team is GUildarts and Lyon you two will be going after Sting and Yukino"

Lyon instantly felt defeated his shoulders dropped and he sighed and curled in a fetal position and sat in a corner. 

"Fourth team I s only Chelia and Carla she is gonna go after Wendy and Romeo

and Gray and Juvia are the last team. They are going after Natsu and Lucy" 

When she finished Makarov spoke "you will be heading out in  a few hours and when you get there the plan goes into immediate effect and we bring these dragon slayers home"


Yukino Pov

As Sting and I walked through the town I felt a shiver go down my back and I shuddered "whats wrong. are you cold ?" Sting had asked me. I shook my head "I just got a bad feeling all of a sudden" I gripped stings hand tighter he brought my hand up and brought to his mouth "you don't have to worry I'm always gonna be here okay so you never have to fear I love you Yukino" He kissed my hand and I looked at him shocked "I love you to sting." I put my head on his shoulder

 I noticed a flyer that talked about a festival "Hey sting we should show this to the others. The girls and I could go shopping for clothes to wear for it and we could all go together it would be so much fun" Sting read the paper and smiled "yeah this looks cool and look there is an eating contest we could join it while you girls could go enjoy yourselfs or you could stay and cheer us on" then he smirked "or we could skip the festival and just stay in the hotel and have our own festival" I felt my face immediately blush and I turned red I put my face in my hands and shook my head I heard Sting laugh and i glared at him while puffing out my cheeks and he hugged me close to his chest "its not funny quit laughing at me" he chuckled some more and said "I'm sorry Yuki" I pouted "I forgive you" He kissed me and I melted against his lips I really do love this guy"


I got the chapter out yay I'm so proud of myself I feel like I made this way to short but I'm gonna try and make my next chapter super long but I am planning on making a Sequel of this although it depends on how this story goes I hope this turns out good because I actually enjoy this but umm i hope you liked it so i have nothing to say so later Neko's💕💞

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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