Chapter 9

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As Natsu and I made it to the train station so we could go I heard a sound I looked back to see it was Natsu I giggled at his expression "its a train' I nodded and grabbed his hand "It's okay I'll be here to comfort you okay" he looked at me and I stared right back into his onyx eyes he just pulled me close to him and he placed his lips onto mine as I closed my eyes melting into his body and wrapped my arms around his neck I was floating on air "Ahem" We broke apart to see the girls Romeo and the dragon slayers. I blushed some and said "N-now that everyone is here we should probably get to the train now. All the dragon slayers apart from Wendy looked terrified we all laughed "it's not funny" they all said but we just kept laughing. We all bought a ticket to go to Hargeon. I got on the train and the others followed I sat with Natsu and Levy and Gajeel sat in front of us and Yukino and Sting sat there Wendy and Romeo sat next to Natsu and I.I sat on Natu's lap comforting him and Levy did the same to Gajeel Sting laid his head on Yukino's lap as she rubbed stings hair to try and calm him down Kagura at in the booth next to us Kagura was rubbing Rouges head as he groaned and gagged in pain. "How much longer" Natsu cried "its only 3 hours" they all started crying. I giggled and then Wendy said "I think I can help them" "oh yeah your Troya" (I don't know what it is or how its spelled I think its that though) Wendy go up an started to use her Troya on them after it started working some of them started to fall asleep Rouge did but he must be a sleep talker cause every time I saw Rouges lips move Kagura get red. I giggled and I laid my head on Natsu's shoulder I felt my eye slowly drift close it was Natsu's warmth that was one of the things I loved about him I felt strong arms wrap around me I smiled and drifted off to sleep

Natsu's Pov

I saw Lucy starting to fall asleep and I wrapped my arms her I loved her sweet innocent sleeping face hard to believe that this innocent girl made such erotic faces a few hours ago. I laughed later I then heard Gajeel say to me "They are going to figure out that we escaped eventually you all know that right" mostly everyone was asleep except for me Gajeel Sting and Rouge. "And if they find us" Gajeel continued "They will separate us from our mates" I became angry and   tightened my grip on Lucy her eyes fluttered but closed and then she smiled and snuggled up against me and said  name "Natsu" I felt my heart go nuts I heard a laugh "Gihihi look at Salamander turning all red in the face" I turned away and pouted "shut up" then I gagged again. 


"GUILDARTS" Makarov yelled startling me out of my chair "Yes Master what's going on" "where are the dragon slayers"  I rubbed the back of my head nervously "downstairs of course" Erza and Gray came running up the stairs "They aren't there master the dragon slayers have escaped" Erza had said. I sat there wide-eyed and shocked I slowly averted my eyes to Master Makarov and then I saw him start to glow with anger "hehe well um Master you see" " YOU IMBECILE HOW COULD YOU LOSE TH DRAGON SLAYERS YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON GUARD" I ran as fast as I could as he tried to strike me. "Master stop this we have to find the dragon slayers we have to use the backup plan" Erza said. "Gramps i think i might know where they are going but what device are you talking about" Gray had asked. "While the dragon slayers were knocked unconscious we placed a spell on them in case of them escaping but what I want to know is how did they escape in the first escape in the first place Guildarts did you see anybody before you fell asleep" I thought back and then I snapped my fingers "I saw Lucy, the girls, and Romeo they gave me  cake saying that Cana sent it and I fell asleep after I ate it I guess" I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my head sweating a tad bit 'oh boy am I in for it now' Master started to glow yellow he grew bigger and bigger I looked up as sweat poured down my face drastically I looked up at Master. 



Well that was chapter 9 i hope you enjoyed i tried my best to keep it more fluff in this chapter i liked it alot but it took me a while im trying my best to publish a lot this week before unday but i have other things to do and stuff like that but I always end up makng time for it. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter well bye my little Neko-bitches kisses MWAH haha

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