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He over slept the next morning and awakened with a pounding headache and a vague feeling of unease.

Gingerly pushing back the covers, Sean hauled himself out of bed groaning with every step he took

until he reached the kitchen where Rozelle was pouring batter onto the Delonghi griddle.

The strong, bitter aroma of her favorite Turkish coffee brewing inside the Cuisinart machine made him even sicker.

Sean slowly made his way to the table and dropped inside the chair like a sack of grain.

"Morning Rozy."

Rozelle flashed him a smile although her expression was watchful and tense as she returned the greeting.

Sean noticed that she was freshly showered and dressed in a black Nike sweat suit and a ponytail beneath a Nike sweat band.

He , on the other hand,  looked ill and pale and his hands were shaking as he lifted the morning

newspapers from his place at the walnut table and attempted to focus bleary eyes on the small print.

Eventually giving it up, Sean set the papers aside, rubbed his beard stubble and grimacing he
mumbled, "It must have been a helluva night."

"What do you mean?" Rozelle asked.

"I feel like something the cat dragged in.

Did I get drunk last night?"

" had a few more drinks than usual at Katrina's hotel suite." Rozelle said. "Would you like eggs with your pancakes?"

Sean made a face."No thanks.
I don't think that my stomach will allow me to keep anything down."

Rozelle  filled a glass with tap water from the sink, and searched the cabinets for a packet of

Alka seltzer and brought everything to the table.

"Take some of that."

"Thanks honey." Sean said with a little more energy. "Did I act like a jerk last night?"

Hesitating slightly, Rozelle said ,"You never do Sean.
That's what I love about you."

She flipped the golden brown, pancake onto her own plate and

unplugged the griddle since Sean didn't want anything to eat and

poured herself a mug of coffee, adding one spoonful of sugar before joining him at the table.

"Are you going to work tonight?"

"Of course." He said opening the packet and dropping the tablets inside the glass of water.

They both watched them dissolve and when the fizzing stopped Sean gulped the entire mixture

down, shuddered and belched against the side of his hand.

"We need the money." He said.

Rozelle picked up a fork and cut into the fluffy, buttermilk pancake and slipped a piece inside her mouth.

"I don't see how you can eat pancakes dry like that." Sean said.

"They taste better without adding toppings and syrup.

So.. are you pulling a double shift tonight or what?"

"If I feel up to it. Why?"

"Well I was hoping that we could spend some time together.

Savage Affair : Book 2 Of The Affair.Where stories live. Discover now