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Bright and early Monday morning D.D was told that her services

would no longer be needed at the von Hapsberg house.

When she asked why she was curtly informed that the von Hapsberg's were

downsizing their cleaning staff and since D.D didn't have seniority they'd decided to let her go.

The news was crushing to say the least.

In fact D.D sat right down and cried all morning.

"Cheer up girl." Her best friend Tracy Summers said when D.D called and tearfully gave her the news.


How can I cheer up when I've got all these bills to pay and no job to pay them with!" D.D wailed.

Tracy hesitated then said, "Well there's an opening  with the agency that I work for."

"I'm not a model Tracy." D.D sniffed.

"You don't have to be a model silly.
Nancy's Darlings hires regular girls all of the time and the pay is upscale too.

Why do you think I'm still working for them?"

"Okay well what do I have to do?" D.D asked.

"Just meet me at this address. Try to arrive at exactly five p.m and wear something sexy." Tracy instructed and rattled off a street address.

At exactly five p.m on the dot D.D parked in front of a small , none

descript building and soon Tracy pulled up in her sporty , red Corvette.

"Hey girl.

Glad you're on time .
Now get out and let me see what you're wearing."

D.D self-consciously held perfectly still while her best friend gave the

black , figure hugging dress and black heels the once over.

"I like it a lot." Tracy said with a head nod. "You really have the perfect figure to work that dress."

"You don't think the dress is too short?" D.D asked, self-consciously yanking on the hem.

"You look fine." Tracy said with an airy wave of the hand."And those earrings are cute too."

"So what kind of modeling agency is this?" D.D asked curiously as they were approaching the building.

Smiling mysteriously Tracy said ,"We're a special modeling agency."

"What does that mean?" D.D asked.

"You'll see." Was all Tracy would say.

They entered a plainly furnished reception area where four other girls were seated on a long , black sofa.

The older woman behind the desk glanced up at Tracy and then cut her eyes at D.D.

"Hi Cathy.

I'm here to see Mr.Nathan." Tracy said with a fake smile.

"Yeah well who's your friend?" Cathy asked suspiciously.

"This is D.D." Tracy said,"And she wants to join our family."

Cathy swiveled in her chair and looked D.D up and down before asking,"How old are you sweetie?"

"Eighteen." D.D said nervously.

"Any history of an S.T.D including H.I.V?"

"No ma'am." D.D said wondering why she was being asked such personal questions.

Savage Affair : Book 2 Of The Affair.Where stories live. Discover now