I love you...(7)

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Hyunjin POV

"AHHH!!" I jumped off of Seungmin's bed. "H-HYUNJIN! WHY ARE YOU ON MY BED! YOU DIDN'T ASK PERMISSION!!" I chuckled.

"Can I not with my best friend?"
He sighed. "Look, remember this. You. Have. Jeo. Shin." I sighed.

He's right... so why am I like this towards Seungmin if I'm not gay?

"You're right... from now on, I'll stop being clingy to you and I'll love Jeoshin more?"

What the fuck am I saying?

"Okay.. good." He got out of bed and I got up. "I'm going to the beach with Yohan. He invited me."

"Don't take too long Seungmin.."


"Bye Seungmin.."


I sighed. "Damn I'm so stupid. I love Jeoshin. NOT Seungmin. Just remember that Hwang Hyunjin.. I'm not GAY.."

But I'm hurting Seungmin and the others.. they're all gay... and yet, I'm being rude towards them.. UGHH!

"What the fuck is going through my fucking mind?!"

"Just stop thinking about Seungmin, and start thinking of Jeoshin. Her beautiful face. Her smile. And her everything"

"Yeah.. I love Jeoshin.. why am I making things harder for myself..?"

Seungmin POV

I sighed.

"You okay Seungmin?" Yohan asked. "No.. it's complicated."

"Hm.. with Hyunjin?" I nodded my head. "How complicated is it?"

"Very complicating. For some reason, he decided to cuddle with me, when I was sleeping.. but he HAS Jeoshin."

"Ahh.. maybe because he's been hanging out with Jeoshin lately?"

"I don't know.. he's only been dating her for what? 2 or 3 days.. maybe? And yet, here he is, cuddling me?"

"Hm.. maybe he just wants to hang out with you"

"Are you just repeating yourself?" I asked.

"Well just look at what he's doing. He's was worried about you when you left, and I found you. He cuddled with you because he probably just misses being around as a best friend, because now that he has Jeoshin, he won't be with you anymore, but that he has Jeoshin."

"He's trying to give you hints that he misses you and that he just wants to hang out again.."

"But it's only BEEN 2 or 3 days. How hard is it to be away from me for that many days?"

I sighed.. "I'm going to admit it but, I hate Hwang Hyunjin..!" I was furious with him.

"Okay, welp, if you want to go back, you can."

"And what about you?"

"My boyfriend and friends are coming."

"Okay. Bye Yohan! Thanks again!"

"Yeah Yeah! No problem!!"

Hyunjin POV

Now that I have been thinking of what I've been doing. It's not worth being with Seungmin because I have Jeoshin.

Just earlier, I called Jeoshin to come over. She gladly excepted it. So I'm waiting for her.

I knock on the door.

I opened the door, and there she was. Lee Jeoshin.

"H-Hi Jeoshin.."

"Hi Jinnie!" I kissed her. "I'm sorry for being a jerk, I love you so so much.. and you owe my heart. I need to stop being such a jackass. I love you Jeoshin. I love you more than anything!"

She smiled.. "I love you too Jinnie..!"

Just then, Seungmin came. "Oh hey Seungmin. I've thought about what you said. And you're right. I have Jeoshin here with me, right by my side. So I guess, what I'm trying to say is, I don't need you anymore." I smiled.

"You'll still be my best friend but, like I said, I won't be needing you because I have Jeoshin."

"Y-Yeah.. I'm happy for you Hyunjin! So.. you won't be needing me... anymore.?"

"Yep! Jeoshin will kinda.. y'know, take your place? Yeah."


...I love you..." he muttered something, and went to his room, while I was cuddling with Jeoshin in the couch..

Fiction [K.SM + H.HJ]✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora