" I mean I could. I don't know why I don't honestly."

" I hope you know they don't only look at you on the court, but in the classroom too..."

" Yeah I know that..I may struggle from here and there, but I ain't worried."

" What do you struggle with?"

" Honestly, I don't understand shit about Chemistry. I mean I don't think I'll ever use it in my lifetime."

" Well I guess I can help a friend out. I understand it fairly well."

" Oh word?"

" yeah, I don't mind.."

" I bet you got like all A's and shit. Probably going to some IV league college, huh?"

"Whatever comes my way.." she says.

We sit for in silence for a moment. Suddenly, she starts to panic.

" What time is it Ronnie?"

" Like 9:45, why?"


" Damn, you still got that shit?" I say laughing.

" That is not funny! My dad is gonna kill me!"

I lead the way back to where the party was at. We look all over for Roxanne, but  she was nowhere to be found.

"Why don't I give you a ride to your crib?"

" Ronnie, I don't think that's th-"

" I'm sure you don't wanna make your pops anymore mad than he  already could be at this point"

" Ugh, alright..."

I smile and we head to my car. As we stop at a stop sign, I notice the nervousness splattered all over Anaysia's face.

"You ain't ever been passed curfew before or somethin?"

" I have...it's just I ain't' gon have a way to explain to my dad how I ended up riding with you"

" He knows me?"

"I mean he did see you when you decided to walk with me back to my house."

"Yeah, he seems pretty cold."

" yeah, he doesn't  really have an open mind."

I pulled up to her house, and I watch as Anaysia unbuckles her seatbelt.

" I had a really good time today. I got to kick with my friend, you know?" I say.

"Yeah, I did too. Thanks for the ride home..."


As she closes my car door, I pulled down the window to get her attention.

" Aye Anaysia!"


" You remember how I was telling you about how I kinda suck at Chemistry?" She nods her head yes.

" ....I was wondering if we could meet up somewhere, so you could help me out..."

"I mean, yeah, I gue-"

" Great. See you on Tuesday, if that's cool. Page me if we can otherwise" I quickly say as I see her father coming out the door. I hurry and pull off, leaving without hesitation. I soon feel my pager buzzing and answer.

"Yo Ron, you gotta get here quick! There's some shit gon down with some bum nigga and J...."

" Yo forreal? Where at?"

" Come down to 36th and Crenshaw..."



I was very confused as to why Ronnie pulled out so quick, not even letting me complete my sentence. Once I turn around to enter my house, I see why.

" It's 10:13, did you know that?"

" yes dad, I was with Roxanne and we did study, but sh-"

"Who the hell dropped you off?"

"R-Roxanne did, she just drove a different car..."

My father sighs, while holding his face with his hand.

"Listen, at this point it doesn't even matter. If yo ass shows up to this house again at this time, without explanation, you and I are gonna have some serious problems...

My father gives me a deathly stare and we sit in silence for a moment. I began to walk into the house, ignoring my father's wife and all. I was tired of being treated like a child. LIKE A 10 year old. I hear a knock at my door, but I ignore it. I hear it a couple of more times, until I see my stepmom near the foot of my bed.

" Can I sit down?"

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" Can I sit down?"

" Can you get out? I ain't allow you inside..."

" I know you may be a little flustered with the way your father has been acting toward you, but today I know he wanted to tell you something kinda important..."

" What did he wanna say?"

" Well, your father has gotten an upper position at his job, and will be in Oakland a lot"


" Yeah, but I just think this will be a good time for you and I to build a stronger relationship..."

" Hm, a stronger relationship huh? Why don't we start with you respecting my space and what I say, and leave my room?"

I leave her quiet, and she heads for the door.

"Anaysia, you better get use to me being here, cause I don't plan on leave your father's life at all."

I roll my eyes, and page Roxanne.

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