"Are you okay?Does your head feel hurt?Do you still remember your name?"Minnie keep questioning Miyeon.She hope that nothing happen to her friend. 

Miyeon nodded as she held her head. "I......CAN YOU SHUT UP?I fine you know,I'm not that weak."Miyeon said.She hate how her friend always worried about her so much. 

She turned in front and saw a familiar girl with the camera hang around her neck.Just like Miyeon,she was holding her head. 

Yeri stopped groaning as she noticed Miyeon in front of her.She smile to her as she stood up. "Hey,we meet again."She said and Miyeon smile at her back. 

"KIM YERIM,WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??"The girls heard a voice.They then saw a long hair girl who look so angry,running toward Yeri.Yeri wanted to get away from the angry girl when the girl suddenly grabbed Yeri's ear,pulling her toward her. 

Shuhua recognised that girl. "Unnie?" 

"Ouch,ouch,ouch...that's hurt."Yeri groaned. "Can you hand the camera to me?"Irene asked nicely.At first Yeri refused,but when Irene pinched her ear really hard,she gave up and handed the camera to Irene and Irene finally let go of the girl. 

Irene look at the photo that Yeri has captured and quickly deleted it.She need to delete that photo quickly before Yeri spread out the photo.If this girl spread out to other people,it will ruin her image as one of the most beautiful girl in Korea.

If this girl spread out to other people,it will ruin her image as one of the most beautiful girl in Korea

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"What the hell happened here?"Miyeon murmured. 

Irene wiped her sweat after chasing Yeri for several rounds and realised that Shuhua and the others have arrived. 

"Oh hello there,welcome to Bae Villa."Irene said as she showed the big,elegant house to the girls.Miyeon,Minnie,Soyeon,Chungha,Sinb and Yuqi still can't stop amazed of how big is the villa. 

Without waiting much,Irene lead all of them to her villa.They of course followed after her. 

As they reached at the living room,Miyeon didn't see a white fur dog suddenly jumped toward her.Luckily Miyeon managed to catch the dog.She recognised the puppy. 

"Wait,isn't that the puppy we met?"Shuhua asked as she came closer to the puppy. "Yes...seem like it...it..."Miyeon paused for a while as she take a look on the collar of the puppy.
"Haetnim..."Miyeon called the puppy's name.Upon hearing her name being called by Miyeon,she started licking Miyeon's cheek. "Whoaa,what's this?"Miyeon said happily as the puppy continue licking her. 

"I think she like you."Shuhua said,looking at the puppy. "I guess so..." 

"Haetnimie!"Haetnim suddenly stop licking her as she heard someone calling her.She got down from Miyeon and quickly approached back to the girl who called her. 

"But she like her owner more."Miyeon added,watching the familiar girl started carrying the puppy. 

The girl who carried the puppy recognised both Shuhua and Miyeon.She gave her bright smile to both of them. 

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