CH 2.1 - Heartstopping (PA)

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Trigger Warning: Car Accident and Love Bombing

"Good morning, Nagi,"Yuto whispered as he rolled into Nagisa's arms on the bed and kissed him on the cheek. Nagisa groaned and opened his eyes before smiling and hugging his waist. "Morning, Yuto. Let's get up,". Nagisa sat up and cricked his neck. "Ah shit, I'm getting older,". Yuto rubbed the sleep from his eyes before he carefully massaged Nagisa's neck with his small hands. "You've been working too hard lately. All worried and everything. I wish you had a break,".

The older man just smiled at Yuto and brushed away his hands gently. "I'll be fine. We need to get up and have breakfast. Have you got any classes today?". The boy nodded as he stretched his arms and clung onto Nagisa's body. "Bring me with the bathroom,".

"My sleepy koala bear, of course,". As he sat Yuto down on the toilet seat, Akira video called him to which he obviously answered. "Shinji-kun, is Yuto-kun doing alright?". They sounded really sleepy but from the look on their face, they probably pulled an all nighter. "He's doing better. But Tomo-san, not to be rude, you look awful,". Akira yawned and pinned up their hair to the back of their head. "Yeah, I didn't sleep at all. I had more work to do,". Nagisa cooed and continued to chat with them while he put on his contact lenses. "Mhm, I guess you should sleep, Tomo-san. I'll talk to you later,". Akira just yawned in reply and Nagisa cut the cord.

Rubbing his eyes, Yuto was still a bit groggy. "Nagi, what do you want for breakfast?". He looked at Nagisa's bare face and his cheeks innocently turned red. Nagisa noticed how red his face was and laughed. "Well, anything you make is delicious. But give me your phone first,".

Yuto just quietly slid his boyfriend his phone with no questions while he left the bathroom to get changed. Nagisa downloaded that GPS app that Hitomi gave him to Yuto's phone. It would link up to the watch she gave him earlier and would show his location much more accurately. Nagisa would also be able to see where Yuto was.

This was all for his safety as Ruri was still on the loose and the police haven't been able to locate her again. Nagisa was a little antsy, sending Yuto to school and all but he knew that if anything were to happen, he would be able to locate Yuto. Right?

By the time he arrived downstairs, Yuto had already cooked and packed lunch for him and breakfast for both of them.

'He's such a whiz. It would really be a shame if I didn't have him in my life'.

Although exhausted out of his mind, Yuto still managed to smile at him. The bags under his eyes were growing and he had visible dark rings to show for. "Don't you think you should be the one getting some rest?,". The boy shook his head and handed Nagisa his lunch box, stifling a yawn. "Let's get moving. I don't want you to be late, Nagi,".

Again, everything seemed "fine". But what if he became ill like before? Nagisa was worried that Yuto was working himself beyond his personal limits.

'He shouldn't be overexerting himself. Not at all'.

Taking the longer route to Yuto's school, he wanted to sneak in an extra few minutes of sleep for him.

'Did school used to be so stressful? He's practically suffering'.

Opting out of sending him to school was tempting to Nagisa but that would put him at risk of being put on blast by Yuto. Once he parked at the front gates, he shook the boy's shoulders gently. "Yuto, you're already here,".

The boy opened his eyes sleepily and Nagisa squeezed his cheeks firmly. "Come on, wake up my little sleepyhead. You have a full day of classes today,". Yuto batted his hand away and sighed, grabbing his schoolbag under his seat. He rubbed his eyes yet again and Nagisa pecked him on the forehead. "You can sleep for as long as you want after classes. I'll buy dinner for us so you don't have to cook,".

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