Akira took out two plates and placed them on the table, and took two packets of chopsticks also placing them on the table while waiting for the timer.

"Uh...why are there two plates" Naruto asked coming changed from his clothes.

"Baka" Akira muttered under her breath "They are for us Ni-san"

"Ahh don't think I didn't hear you" Naruto said tickling the younger girl.

"Naruto-kun" Akira laughed trying to get out of Naruto's hold "Please Naruto-kun let me go" The timer came to a stop signalling the ramen was finished.

While Naruto took the ramen from the microwave, Akira took out some leftover riceballs fron the fridge. She put two of them on Naruto's plate.

"Here" Naruto gave the ramen to Akira.

"Oni-san...you kniw i dont eat meat" Akira whined taking the beef from the ramen into Naruto's plate with the riceballs.

"O-okay then" Naruto said, he couldn't argue wuth Akira, he kew the just did it he could eat something.

And that how it went that night, both kids ate dinner, washed the dished that they used and because the apartment was a mess the two of them tried to atlest clean it before they went to sleep.

Six Years Ago

"Is Akira doing alright?" The Hokage asked the ninja he had placed look after her.

"Hai, Hokage-sama. She is fine and that boy Naruto has enrolled her into the academy, they are in the same class"

"Hmh" He nodded looking out the window overlooking the village, a thought coming back to him.

"Oto-san is it true...does Izumi have a child" Its two days after Izumi's death and one after laying her with the rest of the Leaf shinobi.

Asuma thought it was best to talk to his father about this matter. He still didn't understand what really is happening, how was it possible that his sister gave birth and he didn't know.

"Yes it us" Hiruzen said to his son, his pipe lying on the table " Akira"

"Oto-san I just want you to explain to me how this is posibble"

"Izumi was sent to a S-rank mission two years ago" Asuma listened carefully "A group of rouge ninjas had infiltrated the Leaf and took some very important file. You went after those ninjas as you were the one that had saw them..." Asuma pecked up at the information "After the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's attack it was easier for them to get in the village"

"Why don't I remember any of this?" Asuma asked.

"Patience Asuma. She went after the people who took the file, whom you went after, Izumi wanted to get both you the files back safe, Izumi had a tough time trusting people so she wanted to do this by herself" He smiled at the memory of an independent, protective Izumi "It took her a year to find you, you were almost dead and she also almost dide trying to get to you. Between the year she was trying, looking for you she fell in love, I don't know the man she told me about as she never said anything else when he came back" He muttered "She never got the scroll but did get to you"

"So where is he now, has he looked for Izumi?"

"No, as I said Izumi didn't talk about him she kept to herself but one day she told me she had a daughter back where she found you and she wanted meto take care of her when something happened to her"

"So she knew sonething would happen, she knew she would most likely be killed" Asuma said looking at his father "You didn't say anything father"

"She forbade me to, she made me promise her not to say anything about her child orher situation. She told me there is someone who will bring a child here and that would be if those people didn't hear from her in three days" He plased his hand on his beard "Come to think of it, It's the third day tomorrow"

"Okay what about me being abducted, you said you'll explain that"

"Mhm Izumi did al that, she went trough your memories and found out about what you had to go through and erased some of those memories "

"Some, Idon't remember any of those" He ran his hands through his hair.

"Unfortunately my son, I don't know what she saw so I don'tthink I'll be of much use"

"How much information have you hidden from me Oto-san, how many secrets that i don't know of"

" She has grown these past five years" The anbu said still bowing "The kyuubi has taken care of her very well"

"Very well you can leave" He said dismissing the ninja back to work.

"Hai, Hokage-sama"

"Naruto-kun wake up we'll be late" Akira said gently shaking the boy who is like a brother, who became a brother to her "Oni-san please wake up"

Naruto whined pulling the pillow over his face " Akira-chan please let me sleep" he turned to the other side.

"Oh okay" Akira said grabbing the blanket in her hand.

"Huh!" He screamed falling from the bed "Nani?" He said rubbing his head and his butt, he looked at a smirking Akira "Come back here you gaki!" Ge shoute getting of the floor and chasing the younger girl.

Akira quickly ran to the bathroom and took the bicket of water that she had fixed before deciding to wake Naruto. She went outside the bathroom and waited for Naruto to round up at the small hallway leading to the bathroom.

"Ahhh!" Naruto screamed as the water came in contact with his body " He opened his eyes to look at a laughing Akira " Why are you doing this to me?"

"You needed a shower Oni-san" Akira said still laughing " Go on go take a bath and join me for breakfast when your done " Akira said preparing to clean up the mess she had caused by drenching Naruto with water.

After all the taking care of the water she went to the kitchen to fix herself and Naruto some food before they went to the academy.

"Come on let's go Akira-chan!" Naruto said finishing his food "I'm very exited today"

" Yes Oni-san, today is the day we become shinobi's " Akira also said jumping from the chair and putting her hair in a ponytail.

"Yes you better believe it, fist I'll become a shinobi then a Hokage then everyone will stop looking down at me and start respecting me!" Naruto shouted feeling excited by every second.

The two walked around the village with Naruto talking about how excited he was about today's graduation exams. The people around the village looked at Akira like ahe was crazy, they gave her looks that she didn't like but had to bare with them for Naruto's sake.

"Don't pay attention to them, they don't bother me anymore" That's what ge always told the younger girl.

"Hey Oni-san i want you to teach me the Sexy jutsu" Naruto stopped dead in his tracks.

"The sexy jutsu heh...I-i don't know how to teach you" He said laughing nervously.

"Baka, I know you know how to do the sexy jutsu"

"Hai, I'll think about it" He sighed "Sakura-chan is going to kill me here" He muttered running a hand on his face.

The two fell into a peaceful silence while walking and looking around the village.

"Okay Akira-chan, this maybe your first or your last day in the academy alright so please make sure you pass and you won't have any problem with staying there" Naruto said grinning "When you pass then we'll both be in the same squad"

"Don't worry Oni-san I'll definitely pass, we'll both pass and be ninjas!"

Okay this is the first chapter of the story. Hope y'all liked it.

AKIRA SASAKI [NARUTO]Where stories live. Discover now