Silver Lining

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"Actually, you know what? If she is worthless, then I don't know what that makes you," the young reaper said, taking another step closer. The poor trainee that had dared to make the comments was on the ground, quivering like a reed. His face had gone all pale underneath his round, innocent training glasses.

A third or fourth-year trainee, Julian reflected as she studied him. Just old enough to get brazen, just young enough to not yet have learned their place. "Listen, kid," her boots made a satisfying clack with the heels when she stood over him at his shoulders. "She," she pointed back to Rayne, who was crying from his words, "is more a more integral, important and valued part of this society than you. You need to respect that. And guess what?" A grin appeared on Julian's face when she put her scythe over his throat. The points of her bident were perfectly aligned with his veins. "Calling her names like pillow-muncher and lezzer is not respect."

The trainee didn't speak, gulping like a fish out of water.

"Now get your ass up and apologize!" Julain swept her scythe from his neck, hooking the butt of the staff in his collar and pulling him to his feet, shoving him towards Rayne.

Rayne looked up from her tears. He had hurt her, calling her all sorts of things with his friends. Of course, they had disappeared as soon as Julian showed up to save her, the cowards. But... he really was just a trainee. A runt, nearly, with thin little legs and arms. Rayne's eyes softened a bit, feeling for him somewhere.

She straightened her back, crossing her arms to hear his apology.

The trainee struggled with his words for a bit. Finally, he managed to choke out something along the lines of an apology.

"What?" Julian called, exaggerating the motion of putting her hand behind her ear.

"I-I'm sorry!" the kid exclaimed finally, hiding his face, clearly embarrassed and afraid. He was quivering, looking like he could keel over after being knocked to the ground before.

Rayne didn't know what to say and only stammered a bit before Julian gently wrapped an arm around the smaller girl's shoulders. "If you do say something, make sure it's the truth," Julian remarked to the trainee, grinning with a blush on her cheeks. "Pillow-muncher doesn't really apply to Rayne. She's the top," she nuzzled her love, smiling encouragingly before they shared a gentle kiss.

The trainee was gone by the time they looked up, interrupted by loud laughter. Anora revealed herself from a corner, highly amused! The Exorcist chief, in all her glory, wrapped her arms around the two, slightly lifting them, even. "Oh, you saw his face, right? Right?" she giggled. "You two are absolutely lovely. Remind me of my wife and I!" the face of lesbian rights let go and held them at arm's length, smiling widely. "Come on, tea, and you're going to tell me all about this," she told them, looking like a mother hen with her chicks if mother hens could grin.

The two younger reapers shared a glance, then smiled at the older woman. "Gladly," Rayne said, taking Julian's hand. "Did you really have to say I was the top, though?" Rayne asked her companion in a whisper.

"Can't have them lying now, can we, Raincloud?" With a grin, Julian watched her girlfriend go all red and stammering. "And you're a wonderful one at that."

Anora's chuckles echoed in the marble halls of the Estate, followed by the stammering of one woman and the giggles of the other.

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