Chapter Eight

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Everyone met at the Wuncler Estate in Ed Wuncler Sr.'s office. We all sat there with our eyes on Mr. Wuncler. I could sense everyone having the same exact angry stare as I did.

"These are hard times, and Americans need inspiration. People want real life to be like in the movies, with good guys and bad guys and black guys All that shit. This country needs a rallying crying, a reminder of why it's great to be American." Mr. Wuncler says as he smokes his cigar

"So you just make this stuff up?" I question him, watching him exhale smoke through his nostrils

"No! Several overpaid members of the writer's shit. Guild of America makes this shit up."

"This is just a joke to you." Jack tags along with me, having me raise my eyebrow slightly. What made him all of a sudden what to side with me for.

"We're talking about the lives of innocent Americans." I speak again, trying my best to keep calm

"Innocent American Singular. Daniel Stucky. A. Dan the security man. You ever met Dan Stucky, Jack? He's an asshole. A waste of functioning organs. But dead, he would have been a national hero. We had Dan the security man action figures, fast-food tie-ins, video games, a limited-edition collectible sneaker line.We had Dan ribbons, Dan buttons, and Dan ringtones, and a feature film starring Jack Black. And all he had to do was die." Mr. Wuncler says, silently sighing

"But why? Don't you have enough money?" Caesar asks, shifting his eyes over at the guards behind Mr. Wuncler

"No." He bluntly says

"I'm taking you into custody. You will have til the count of three, or I will shoot." Jack says, pulling out his gun, aiming it at Mr. Wuncler

"More than enough time." He says carelessly

"If a nigga aimed a gun at me I would not be this calm. " Caesar whispered to me

I kept a straight facial expression saying, "He's use to it."

Jack's phone ring, leading to him answering while he was counting.

"Huh?" Jack answers the phone

"Agent Flowers.Jack, it's the president. First of all, I want to congratulate you on the fine work you've done today." Obama was on the other end of the phone

"But, Mr.President, this man has conspired to- Yes, sir. Yes, Mr. President." Jack says, listening to President Obama and his decision

"You can let yourselves out." Mr. Wuncler says leaving off to the other room

The guards open the door for everyone else.

"That's it?" Caesar asks as I could tell he was heated, I wanted to laugh so bad

"Mhm." I nodded my head, walking out with Caesar and Jack

"Huey, you did a good thing today. You saved a man's life. They don't win until you give up. They don't win until you stop fighting. You can't fight the future. Don't waste your life trying." Jack tells me as we head outside of the plaza, patting my shoulder. He walks off into the distance.

I began going deep into thought of what Jack said. I know I can't fight the future. I always end up trying to change it to something better or equal. I can't control what's happening in the world. This is why I'm an angry black kid that worries what the white man has does to us, and what he'll do again. It gets tiring thinking about that all the time. I can't even reveal my emotions. It's as if I'm a sociopath. I'm not gonna let the white man win with my inner struggle. I deserve to be happy.

"Huey, I think it's time for me to be going. I'm going to miss you nigga." Caesar taps on my shoulder, embracing me into a hug

"I'm going to miss you too Caesar. Please don't let this be the last time we see each other." I hug him back, turning my head towards him

"This won't be the last time. I promise. We'll keep in touch. Keep in mind what Jack said Huey. Learn to live your life and be grateful for what our ancestors been put through in order for us to live to this day. I love you Huey."

"I love you too Caesar." I say, he walks off to his Uber

He slowly looks back, slowly revealing his smile. I burst into laughter to keep myself from crying. A smile forms on my face as I wave at him, he waves back. He gets in his Uber, getting drove off. When I tell you I wanted to break down in tears, but surprisingly I held it together. I just hope he was being serious when he promised this won't be the last time we'll see each other.

I walk down the sidewalk, seeing Granddad and Riley. I walk towards the both of them.

"Boy! Oh, we're so glad you're okay." Granddad says as he puts his arm around my shoulder

"Yeah." I say, looking out the distance

"Man, we might have to think about moving. This neighborhood ain't' what it used to be." Granddad says as we continue to walk down the street

"Oh, man! We saw you on the news with all them marines pointing guns at you. And you was looking hard, too. You was like, "What? What?" Man, Huey, you were really right this time. You said it was gonna happen, and it happened." Riley jumps in on the conversation, bursting into laughter

"Imagine all of the problems we could avoid if we ever started listening to you. Oh, well!" Granddad says

Only if..everything we been through would, things would've been so different. It's crazy how they realize this after the fact. I got to begin living my life for me. I can't think about all the bad that has been done to us back in the day. There is nothing I can do. All I can do is look ahead in the future.

I still didn't get to ride out the country. I still didn't get the chance to give Noah Thorn the payback he so desperately deserves. It will happen, I promise it will.

Sadly this is the last chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed this story! I would like to dedicate this story to episodes season 3 of the Boondocks, "It's Going Down, and It's a black president Huey Freeman." Season 1, "The Real."

Would ya'll like a sequel to this story? I have an idea on how it can continue. There are some things that Caesar and Huey needs to settle with a few people.

When I told ya'll this story was short, I MEANT THAT SHIT! Don't forget to vote!

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