Chapter 1

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She smiled as Ryan sat in front of her. Naomi had already half convinced herself that she would be sitting alone at lunch. Ruby and Jen were off sick and she hadn’t seen anyone else since lessons started.

“Hey,” she said, smiling at her boyfriend. She had missed him, he wasn’t in any of her morning lessons on Fridays. “Were your lessons alright?”
He shrugged as he pulled his lunchbox out of his bag. “Boring as usual.”
“Same,” she said. Naomi wasn’t sure what to talk about, did she just leave the conversation?

“Ianto’s fawning over Katie in the library again, I’m guessing?”
Naomi shrugged. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen them since before lessons.” Katie had been spending a lot of time in the library lately, frantically studying for exams, and Ianto was still clinging to her.
“Oh,” said Ryan. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Naomi’s smile melted off her face and a frown took its place.She had learned very quickly that people rarely followed that with anything good.
“What is it?” she asked quietly.
“I want to break up,” he said bluntly. “I’m really not coping with the… idea of your family. It’s insane, I literally feel like I’m going insane. You’re an angel, literally and I… that’s sort of hard to deal with.”
“Oh,” she whispered, more to herself that to Ryan. She nodded. “That’s okay, I… I understand. It’s not exactly the easiest thing to cope with.”
“Yeah, and with GCSEs coming up and mocks and everything, I think this’ll be easier on both of us, not that you need to pass your exams.”

Naomi carried on nodding and forced a smile despite wanting to cry. Ryan had seemed to be dealing with all of the angels well. He’d been to Hell and he was seemingly fine afterwards. Why would he hide it from her? She could have tried to help him.

The rest of lunch was filled with awkwardness as neither of them really knew what to say to each other. Naomi was relieved when lunch ended and for once, she headed to Mr Jones’ office completely of her own free will. She knocked and waited outside.

Samiel opened the door and welcomed Naomi into the little office, despite looking a little confused. It was a different room, he’d been moved while he was off for illness.
“I was not expecting you here,” he said. Naomi dropped her bag by the chair and sat down. “Usually you complain.”
“I know but Ryan just broke up with me and I don’t know what to do.”

Samiel’s eyes widened as he shut the door. He was biting his lip as he sat down.
“Did he tell you why?”
“He wasn’t coping with the fact we’re angels,” said Naomi. He wouldn’t have even known if Gabriel hadn’t teleported to their house, right in front of Ryan. “And everything that comes with that.”
“So God, Hell, demons,” muttered Samiel. “It’s understandable, so what’s the problem then?”

Naomi just stared at him. “What am I supposed to do?”
“Move on?” suggested Samiel. He seemed cautious to even say that. Naomi frowned. How was she supposed to do that?
“But he hid it from me, why couldn’t he trust me? I was dating him and he hid it from me,” she said, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
Panicking a little, Samiel tried to think of something. “Maybe take the weekend easy, don’t try to think about him or anything, just… have some fun or something.”
“Right,” said Naomi slowly. She wasn’t exactly convinced.

“Are you going to be alright going back to lessons?” asked Samiel. Naomi shrugged as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I’ll take that as a no, do you want to go home early?”
“I don’t know,” she said honestly. “What will Michael even say?” She hoped it wasn’t anything stupid like, ‘he’s just Human, don’t worry about it’ or something similar to that.
“I’m sure sure what he’ll say,” said Samiel with a frown. He hummed and tapped the desk as he thought. “But I know he’d have a better reaction than Lucifer would.”

Naomi wondered how Lucifer would react. She hadn’t seen him since school started. Michael had supervised her visit to him since she still felt guilty over trapping him in Hell.

“Can I just stay here?” she asked.
“I mean, I have a meeting later but sure, I guess so,” said Samiel. “I’ll email your teachers, what do you have?
“Maths and geography,” she said with a sigh.
“Right,” he said. “Celebrations are over in middle left cupboard.” He pointed at the wall were the cupboards were. Naomi looked over at where he pointed. After a moment, she decided chocolate was worth moving for.

The tub was opened for the first time and by the end of the day, it was almost empty.

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