he got on his golf cart while tara and i got back in our car. we followed him to the site and then he informed us that the golf cart i had booked would be brought out to us within the next hour.

we thanked him and then opened the trunk to start setting up.

"okay so we need to send 2 people to the store that's right by registration to get firewood and anything we didn't bring."

"corey and i can go." mya chirped in.

"okay, great. thanks guys." i said, handing corey my card

the 3 boys started putting up the tent while the 2 girls and i started putting the camp chairs around the fire ring and putting the picnic table cloth down and blowing up the air mattresses.

after about an hour, we were done setting up the tent (which they boys were failing at at first) and we had put the three air mattresses in.

corey and mya got back with the food we needed and we put it all in the cooler.

it was around 6pm at this point so sam and colby brought it upon themselves to make a fire. tara, kat, mya and i were all playing cards at the picnic table.

the boys eventually got done with the fire so we were all sitting around the fire, listen to music and talking.

i was sitting on colbys lap in the camp chair he was on. i was wearing a t shirt and leggings and since it was november, i was getting chilly.

i think colby noticed that because he took his jacket off and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"are you sure baby... i don't want you to be cold." i whispered to him so we didn't interrupt the conversation about what white claw flavor was the best.

"of course bear. i wouldn't want you to be cold," colby whispered back.

colby had gotten onto calling me bear as a joke since ethan did but now it's actually a serious nickname. it just sounds right when colby says it.

we ended up ordering a pizza to the site since we weren't in the mood to cook real food this night.

after we finished the pizza, we got the stuff out to make s'mores.

11pm was quiet time at this park so we had to settle down at the time but we were all up till around 1am just talking and drinking by the fire.

at 1, we decided it would be best if we all went to bed since we had a hike early the next morning.

we all went into the big tent, asides from corey and mya, who went to their small tent.

colby and i were sharing one of the three queen sized mattresses.

we had a bunch of blankets and pillows in the tent and some cute fairy lights.

we had a chill playlist playing very very lightly in the background.

"goodnight guys. i love you all." i said while laughing.

a chorus of good nights and i love yous were heard throughout the tent. i smiled to myself at how lucky i was to have such an amazing boyfriend and an amazing friend group.

colby had his hand under my shirt, rubbing my back gently as i cuddled up into him. he kissed my forehead before i drifted off to sleep.

november 3rd

i woke up and was not in colbys warm arms like i normally was. i sat up, noticing that kat and i were the only people in the tent. it was around 5:30am when i woke up because our hike was at 6:30.

i got up and exited the tent, noticing that colby was making breakfast with sam and jake helping him.

i walked over and colby kissed me on my forehead. "good morning angel." he said while focusing back on the food he was cooking.

"good morning." i smiled at him while taking a piece of the bacon he was cooking over the fire.

"hey! don't steal my food!" he said, laughing. i laughed with him before walking over to sit by tara who was already at the fire.

"t, you look dead." i laughed

"i never realized how hard it'd be to sleep on the ground." she said laughing

"tara we slept on air mattresses." i laughed

"it still hurt!" she defended.

my best friend everybody.

eventually, kat, mya and corey all came out of the tent so the girls and i all went to the bath house to brush our teeth and wash our faces while the boys stayed back to change their clothes.

we drove the golf cart back to our site and switched with the boys so we were all getting dressed. mya went to her own tent while the girls and i all just changed in our tent.

at 6:25, we all got packed up and ready to go on our 4 mile hike. it was mostly up hill but it wouldn't be too bad.

we started the hike up and it took us about an hour to reach the top. we just had the two mile hike down the hill now.

we were heading down the very top of the hill and i slid on a little sandy part, rolling my ankle.

i immediately fell to the ground and let out a light squeal. colby who was right in front of me, turned back to look at me and was automatically right by my aide, asking if i was okay. tara joined him seconds later and soon enough, all of my friends were surrounding me and asking me if i was okay.

"i-i don't know." i said as hot tears fell down my face.

"what hurts, baby?" colby asked me

"my ankle." i said, not being able to control the tears rolling down my face.

"okay... can you try to walk, ad?" colby asked me, trying to help me stand up after i nodded.

"i can't." i said trying to put my weight down on my foot.

"that's alright babe, i can carry you." colby said.

"i don't want you to have to carry me." i said, pouting.

"well there's no way in hell im letting you walk in pain." colby smiled, having me hop up into his back.

the group started walking fairly slow so colby and i weren't behind. after about 20 minutes, colby asked if corey would carry me for a few minutes so he could get some water and take a break.

i felt bad that everyone had to carry me but i physically couldn't walk the rest of the way.

corey was holding me bridal style, not struggling a bit.

"you have got to be the lightest person i've ever met. you weigh like nothing." he said, making me laugh.

i could see mya glare slightly but i just brushed it off.

colby wasnt struggling while holding me but i'm sure it was tiring.

after about 5 minutes, corey helped me get back onto colbys back so i wasn't struggling.

colby carried me the rest of the trail and once we reached the bottom, everyone went back to the site asides from colby, tara, kat and i since sam was going to get the golf cart to pick us up. colby had me sitting down on a rock at the end of the trail.

this reminded me of the time we were at the abandoned water park and i broke my wrist and had to get a ton of stitches and everything.

sam came and got us and i sat on colbys lap in the front of the golf cart.

we drove over to the rangers station where we saw ranger ben so we asked him if there was someone there who could help me.

he assured me that he was a medically trained professional so i sat on the chair and let him take a look at my ankle.

he confirmed that i didn't have a sprained ankle or a broken ankle but i needed to do little to no walking and to try to keep it elevated for the remainder of our trip.

tomorrow was the last day of our trip anyways so i was hoping that it wouldn't be too bad.

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