Episode 2

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"Mommy?" The little girl tugged on her mom's sleeve, her big round eyes fixed firmly on the man slumped in the chair opposite them.

She'd been watching him on and off since they'd sat down. She'd felt the heat of his gaze on her and it made her feel like she had ants all over her body. Little tiny feet crawling over her skin, under her clothes, and into all the little nooks and crannies...

But now his eyes weren't watching her. They were rolled all the way back up into his head.

She chewed on the inside of her cheek.

She didn't like it.

There was something wrong with him.

"Mommy?" she tugged again.

Her mom finally looked down.

She had tears in her eyes.

Her cheek was still bruised.

Her lip still had blood on it.

"It's okay. We'll be boarding soon, honey," she assured her. "Hush now, let Mommy think."

The little girl nodded and looked back at the man.

He looked kind of sad and tired.

Maybe he just needed a nap.

She hugged her gray teddy bear tighter to her chest and decided to ignore him.

She watched the people in the airport walking back and forth.

Everyone looked busy. They were talking, and walking—some even ran, their cases being dragged behind them noisily. Most people looked happy, and she bet that those were the ones that were going on vacation. She wished she were going on vacation too.

A little boy walked past with his family, and she waved at him and smiled.

She looked back up to her mom.

She was still crying.

She wished she could make her smile again.

Maybe if she just sat real still and quite that would help.

The man coughed and the little girl looked over at him.

He was dribbling.

It was gross.

He opened his eyes and looked at her, his red-eyed gaze pinning her in her seat.

And when he started to get up from his seat, she screamed so loud she thought her throat might split in two.

** Episode Two coming November 7th... **

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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