"AYE!! dvigat'sya ublyudok!!(move motherfucker)" I slowly begin to seep through the curious heads. But not close enough..

"Blyad'(fuck)" I unbuckle my seat belt and open car door, a body falls to the ground but that what their ass get for being fucking nosy. Getting out, I notice a scratch on the exterior.

"Yo man watch where the fuc-"

Gripping the asshole by his shirt collar, I pull him off ground before reeling my fist back and awakening all his warning senses. But it was too late as my knuckles tore skin as the scraped against his jaw, putting him back in the place he first fell before.

"That is payment for car. We even now." I say as people who witnessed the affair back up in fear, no matter.

There were people trying to help

Help pull a mocha skinned arm from the car but it was met with utter resistance.

"Move!" Igor trailed behind me also pushing past the crowd

"Phoebe! Ivan!" I shout to the two. Igor trudges past me in what I could imagine was his own form of moving quickly. Nonetheless he grips the underbelly of the car and hoists it up. The two became much more visible. Ivan looking paler than imaginable made angered me at the possibility.

He wasn't dead. He couldn't die yet. But he was the fucking direct hit.

"FUCK!" I slammed my fist into the car leaving a dent.

Ignoring the gasps I try to see more through the crushed metal and smoke, Phoebe with a less than appealing gash to her forehead was breathing fast. Eyes fluttering to me in a heavy daze

"J..ja-obe.." Not brain dead, good sign I suppose. I nod and grip hands underneath her arms and tug her out of the car. "Quiet down girl" I didn't know how to be more sensitive towards anyone who wasn't Ekaterina, she was easier to maintain.

"Jacobe. Police and Ambulance." Igor signals with a limp Ivan under his large forearm. Good enough.

Hearing that, I try all my might to hoist Phoebe over my shoulder and put her in back of my car. I tried to be gentle strapping her in, meanwhile Igor just tosses Ivans body in like a doll.

"CAREFUL! We dont need him dead!" I slam the car door almost shattering the window in all then hop back behind the wheel.

"IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE I SUGGEST BACKING THE FUCK UP!" I wail out of window to on lookers and passerby's alike then scrape out of the scene. I don't know where I would take them, hell- I didn't even know where Dawn was. Or who took her..what they could be doing to her..

I took one hand off of the wheel and placed all my strength in it to pummel it into my own jaw, making the car swerve dangerously close to others who honked ferociously as a result of my recklessness.

"CHTO ZA KHREN' JACOBE!? (WHAT THE FUCK JACOBE)" Igor yells grabbing hold of the wheel and guiding it back correctly in the middle of the road. "You'll get us pulled over by police before we get girl back. You don't have lisence remember. Don't get foolish. I stick along side you more for just good money and sexy hookers, there is potential leader forming. And you throw to side, act childish, over some girl?"

I chuckle nodding my head. The soreness in my jaw throbbed achingly.

"She's not some girl Igor. Not something you use once a toss. She minds me that I am younger than I feel. She lets me know I am 17 without remorse."

Igor doesn't say anything more. I drive more calm but mind still not drifting from it's initial campaign.

Who took Dawn?


Masha stood in the living room horrified as I stand in the living room with an unconscious girl and an almost dead goon.

"Jacobe Yuri Vladkov..are they.."

"No mama, I need you to help them. They were in car accident." A sigh of relief floods her and she lets captive breath go. "Why you bring them here? Why not hospital?" She comes over and takes a look at Phoebe but is hesitant to step near Igor. This is a very small town and Igor isn't exactly hero

"I got there quicker than ambulance did. But mama, do not panic when I tell you this." Instead she looks even more anxious than ever.

"This was hit and run Dawn, Phoebe and Ivan were driving to me. However hit these two..took Dawn with them."

Masha's eyes quickly tear up and she trembles. Both hands shoot up to her lips covering her face while she crumbles to the ground in hysterics. "Oh my god..Rainbow's little girl oh my..What would she think what would I tell her?! What of the girl...Is she okay?" Her words are slurred and muddled by tears

"I don't know mama. I want to bring her back before cops get involved."

Mashas contempt deepens and she howls her grief on the floor, sighing I step around her and gently place Phoebe down own the sofa while instructing Igor to do the same with Ivan.

I go back to my mother, going to my knees and hugging her.

Her wailing only intensifies.

"Masha..I will bring girl back tonight. I don't know who has her. But she has tracking device on her phone that I personally installed. I will bring her back." This seemed to calm her down as the cries went down to softened whimpers. I pick up up off the floor, wiping her tears. Kissing her forehead.

"Take care of them for me Mama. Having them brought in will be more trouble than just bringing Dawn back. You know how to treat concussions I know you used to be nurse before you marry that slob of a man. Utilize it please."

"Jacobe.." We all turn towards the raspy feminine voice of Phoebe. Who was now sitting up, heavy breathing like before. Slight bruising but nothing life threatening.

I go and bend to her eye level

"Phoebe. I will not let someone else in your life die. It is hard for you I know, to trust me. I don't expect you trust, that was long broken with Prince."

"H..he was your friend. I..wa..was you..r friend"

Memories I'd long pushed away try to resurface but I look away from Phoebes familiar eyes and stand up.

"I am going Masha."

And I went right next door to the Kane household

If I was going to locate the girl, I was going to need muscle. Even if that meant dying trying.

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