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"Nishida-kun, wake up."

"Come on Horikita-kun let him sleep. He barely gets any and you know it."

"I am aware of that, however, what I have to say is more important than his beauty sleep."

"Go away..." I murmured while readjusting my arms into a more comfortable position. I heard a scoff come from behind me and some movement.

"Fine, you asked for it."

"Uhh, I don't think that's a good id-"


My eyes shot open and I let out a yelp as my body recoiled in response to the sharp pain coming from my side. I put on my glasses and turned around to glare at the person responsible for this.

It was Suzune Horikita, the incarnation of Lucifer himself (or in this case, herself).

"D-Did you stab me with your compass!?"

"It was just a little prick, no need to make such a big fuss over it," Horikita said with a slight smirk on her face.

"That wasn't just a 'prick' that was a stab! This classifies as bullying! I could report you to the school you know!"

"We both know you won't do that besides you have no evidence to prove that I was the culprit."

Shit. She's right. Although she sits directly behind me and is within stabbing range, that's not enough evidence.

"Kiyotaka, why didn't you stop her!?" I said while turning my head to look at my friend. Without saying anything, he rolled up his sleeve and presented his forearm to me. Multiple prick marks were scattered across his forearm.

Oh... that's understandable.

I turn my head back to Horikita with a glare that does not appear to affect her in the slightest.

"Now that you are conscious, may I have a moment of your time?"

"And if I refuse..."

"Although you have the right to veto such a decision, I would be very displeased."

She immediately followed up with "And when I'm displeased, then I will prove to be a major obstacle for your school life. Stabbing you with my mathematical compass is just the beginning, right Ayanokoji-kun?" Kiyotaka frantically nods his head.

"Is this about me agreeing to help you? I did agree but now I'm starting to have second thoughts, I-"

"Nishida-kun, are you going to make me force my hand? Because if I have to, it will be your responsibility."

Jeez, Horikita can be scary when she really wants to. Although making a deal with the devil always ends badly, I feel like I have no choice.

"Alright... what do you want me to do?"

Christ, why do I have to be in this abusive relationship with Horikita? This situation took a turn for the worst... but I thought back to when I met this girl two months ago.


Two Months Ago

I was sitting on a bus that was continuously being filled with highschool students. Kiyotaka and I were very lucky to find seats because the bus was already filled to the brim with students. Speaking of Kiyotaka, I look to my right to see him looking out the window and as if he sensed my look, he turns his head and looks right back at me. I smile and he nods his head before turning his head back to the window. This moment of peace, however, was annihilated.

The Mask SlipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora