Love is for Suckas Part II

Start from the beginning

"So you're cheating on me with some random guy?" He stood up, too.

"I- I- I'm not cheating on you!"

"Don't lie to me! I heard you say you liked him!"

She covered her mouth. "When?!"

"Does it matter?!"

"I don't know! I'm not doing anything with Aaron!"

"So he doesn't want you to be with him?!"

She choked on her words. "He's just a friend."

"You're going to stand there and lie to my face? I thought you were better than that." His eyes were cold.

"Wait!" Quinn stepped into view. "It's not her fault. It's mine."

"What'd you do? Besides cheat on me, I mean?" Puck walked into the foyer and crossed his arms.

"We haven't done anything." Quinn said straight off. "It was innocent."

"Innocent?!" He yelled. "You're playing me!"

Laura came from the doorway. "Maybe you should all just take a small breath and calm down?"

"Maybe you should be ashamed of yourself?" Marc mocked. "You pretend to be the pillar of morality but you're just like everyone else."

"Marc!" Marcy gaped.

"Like you're better with your pathological need to have sex with whoever's standing next to you!" Mal bit off.

"What are you talking about?!"

"No, that would be Laura who had sex with a stranger." Marc said cruelly.

Laura burned. "How did you find out?"

"Does it matter? You're supposed to be their older sister and all you're teaching them is how to be loose!"

Her eyes burned brightly. "You have a lot of nerve! You sleep with any woman dumb enough to let you trick her!"

"Got you, didn't I?"

"Bet you regret that." Puck bit off.

"Look, I'm sorry but Craig and I are just friends!" Quinn snapped.

"How many "friends" do you have?" Mal glared at Marcy. "Last count was four. Unless you're screwing another guy!"

"Bite me!" Marcy glared back. "I'm not your girlfriend so I don't owe you anything!"

"Why did I think anything would be different?! You're the same old Marcy, just thinking about herself!"

"Like you're some saint! I don't know who the hell you think you are but you are not my father and I don't owe you any explanations!"

"I think you do! I'm slaving over writing you notes every morning while you're messing around with three other guys!"

"Nobody asked you to! And I'm not messing around with anybody!"

"What about Sam?! Your own sister's boyfriend?! What kind of sister are you?!"

"Screw you!" She got in his face. "I'm not messing around with Sam! I'm not messing around with Dominic! My boyfriend is Pierre. Pierre! It's not you! It will never be you!" She stomped upstairs and slammed her bedroom door.

Mally climbed up the stairs after her as Mickey buried her face in Mal's legs and raised her arms.

Mal snatched her up and went out the front door, slamming it.

"That's clearly your fault." Marc looked to Laura.

"Why do you care what I do?! I'm not worth your time, remember?!" She shouted.

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