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Me and my mom cook in the kitchen and talk about anything that comes to mind. Oli will be here soon for dinner with us. I'm pretty sure he's nervous but he wont admit to it.

"I'm going to go change, I'll be back," I say and wash the food off my hands. We are making lasagna and bread. My mom made the lasagna and I hand made the bread from flower and ingredients. 

I'm scard to cook alone but she helps make sure I don't burn myself or anything like that. "Okay honey, you should wear that black skirt and a crop top. You look good in it," I smile when she says this.

Do I really look good in it? Even with my scars? I dont question it out loud though. When I get to my room I dig through my closet and find the high waisted black skirt that only goes to my mid thigh.

This skirt is so pretty and cute but I have to be careful in it. It's short so if I bend down my underwear will show. Of course I won't be bending down I'm just always cautious. I don't want to flash anyone.

I take off my clothes and put on a black lacy pair of panties and then the skirt. I look in the mirror and smile at my tattoo. I'm so happy I got it. I end up putting on a black crop top that has sleeves that go to my elbows and holes in the shoulders.

I like how pale I am, it contrasts with the dark clothes. I want to go impress Oliver so I put on my thigh high black socks that have a pentagram on each knee.

I don't bother with shoes because I'm not leaving the house.  I put on makeup that matches my outfit. As I stand in front of my mirror I put on my eyeliner, it's the last thing I do.

My door opens and Oli walks in making me squeal in surprise and drop my eyeliner. He chuckles and I pout. I bend down and retrieve the thing before turning back around to glare at him.

His eyes are wide and he has a blush on his face. Why is he blushing? He walks over and hugs me, "your really hot love," he says and pulls away. I look in the mirror and make sure all of my makeup is done before looking back at Oliver.

"Thank you, you are too," I say looking at his everything. If checking him out was a crime I would be in jail.

I pull him down by the hair and make him kiss me. He takes a step forward making me go backwards until my heal hits the bed making me trip over it and I fall onto my back onto the soft bed. He crawls on top of me and kisses me roughly.

Kissing feels weird with my lip piercing but it's a good weird. Oliver's hand goes up my skirt and gropes my ass. "Let's go downstairs before I get hard and want you inside of me," I say and make him get off of me.

"Yes Queen Quinn, anything for you," he says and we leave my room and to the dinner table.  My dad is at the table already and my mom is setting out plates and drinks for everyone. I sit in front of my dad and Oli sits next to me.

My mom sits next to my dad and in front of Oli.  "I'm Oliver Sykes, it's nice to meet you," Oli says standing up and shaking my dads hand.

"Jeff, and its nice to meet you as well," he says and Oli sits back down. Oliver talks differently when around my parents. He's polite and humble, yes he's a gentleman around me but it's a bit different. I think its because he's nervous.

The dinner goes by fast and smoothly. Almost smoothly, my mom asked Oli if he was clean of STDs making everyone choke on their food. Oli's cheeks got red and I know he was embarrassed but he told her that he is clean.

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