7 Queen Quinn

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Oliver's pov

For a while after waking up I just watch kellin. He's awake on his back looking at the ceiling intensely.

His pretty face has my heart beating faster. I don't believe in love at first sight. I didn't really believe in love. But I do love him. Am I in love? I'm not sure but it's scary how I feel around him.

With all the girls and guys I've ever dated kellin is way different. We aren't even dating and I like him more than I've ever liked anyone.

He turns on his side and looks at me, blushing when he sees that I'm awake and watching him. "Do you think I'm a slut?" He asks throwing me off guard.

"No, not at all. Do you regret last night?" I say not really thinking. Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

"I don't regret it. I just dont want you to think I'm just a horny teenager. I mean I am but I also like you," he says and hugs onto me. I chuckle at his cuteness and play with his hair. 

After a few minutes of cuddling he get up. "I'm going to get pain medication and go to the gym," he says and leaves.

Grabbing my cigarettes and lighter I walk outside and go sit in my car. I enjoy smoking in my car. This is the best and weirdest babysitting job. It's usually 4 year olds pulling my hair and making messes. Kellin just needs company and someone to cook for him because he's scard that he'll burn down the house.

Yesterday he broke a bowl and started to cry. It was when justin was there and he didn't seem surprised. I was, kellin looked like someone was going to hurt him because he broke it. It was clearly an accident but he wouldn't stop apologizing and crying.

Though this week I've gotten to know him. He was very shy when we first met, he's less shy now. He still is shy, he blushes like crazy everytime I touch him or say stuff like how he's cute or when I call him love.

I want him to be my boyfriend but is it too soon? We had sex already so maybe it's not. On our date if he still seems to be interested in me I'll ask.

My phone rings, I wonder who's calling me. I look at the caller ID and it says 'Mary' oh its kellins mom. Foster mom? He calls her mom so I'll just think of her as his mom.

"Hello?" I ask and then inhale some smoke from my nicotine filled stick.

"Hey, hows kellin?" She asks, why didn't she text?

"He's warmed up to me a lot, he's seems alright but he did have a break down yesterday. He broke a bowl and we ended up having a funeral for it in the backyard," I say. He made me dig a hole and he even said a prayer for it.

"Oh poor baby. Thank you for babysitting him so well. Um listen, I'm in the hospital right now. I got into a little car crash and we are staying here for about a week longer. I could get Danielle to take over but bless her soul her boyfriend died and I dont want to ask anything from her. I'll pay you double if you do next week too?" She asks.

I'm getting payed 500 dollars for this week, double?  So 1500 for two weeks? That's really good. Or 1000 and shes paying double than what she originally said? I would do this for free honestly. But living along does cost a lot and I'm pretty much broke because I just bought new music stuff for my studio.

My band isn't making much money but it's getting there. "I'll do it, you dont have to pay me extra thought.  Kellin is really cool to hang out with," I say honestly meaning it. I feel bad because I'm pretty much being payed to hang out with him.

Queen Quinnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें