4 thunder

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What's you favorite band and top 3 favorite songs (any sound not just your favorite band)

Oliver's pov

When I wake up I had a foreign feeling, a body pressed against mine.

I open my eyes to see a sleeping angel cuddle up to me. I'm only in my sweatpants and he's wearing a soft, light pink nightgown. It complements his girlish body.

I'm catching strong feelings fast.. way to fast, but I'm okay with that. He's perfect. Yeah he has scars and he's filthy rich but behind all that I see someone just trying to be okay.

His scars dont bother me, I just wish that he didn't have to go through that pain. His wrists are cut up for heavens sake. What moster could ever want to bring him pain?

His pale skin is so soft and delicate it just seems so weird he has scars. They dont belong on someone like him. At least he seems to have good parents, they text me asking if he's okay every few hours and asking if he ate and random stuff. They care about him a lot.

When I was 18 I wasnt wanting a serious relationship.. that's the main reason I didn't want to get sexual with him but god how couldn't I?

Last night while walking down the hall I hear faint moans so I, being nosy, listened in. He way pleasuring himself. Just knowing that made me turned on.

He squealed and literally ran out of his room and into me. He looked so hot with flushed face. I play with his hair, thinking about him. He seems happy most of the time but I know his past must have been bad.

Plus he Dated that fucking asshole, that guy makes my blood boil. If he ever messes with kellin again I'll break every bone in his body.

I want to protect this boy, he's so sweet and shy. Even after he warned up to me he'll blush at every thing. He mom warned me that he's scared of thunder and today theres supposed to be a thunderstorm all day today and all day tomorrow.

"What?" He says softly, but looking at him I see he's still asleep. He sleep talks? That's adorable.

"I didn't realize.. I'm sorry" he mumbles and grabs me and shoves his face in my chest. "No.." he whisper and I rub his back. I'm not sure if it's a bad dream but I want him awake and not accidentally spilling his secrets. Yes I would like to know everything about him but I would like for him to open up to me because he trusts me.

"Love, do you want food?" I ask and he stirs around and then pulls away with open eyes looking confused. He looks at me and then blushes. He's so fucking cute!

"What?" He asks and hugs me.

"Do you want food? Maybe I can take you to IHOP or Waffle House," I say but he doesn't respond. Did he fall back asleep?

"N-no, we can stay here. I'm not ready to go out of the house," he says not moving.

"That's fine, we could go in a hour and you can get ready," I say because I dont mind waiting. I'm not even ready.

He pulls away and looks at me weird. "I haven't left this house in 2 years. I'm not going to be ready in a hour," he says making me confused. He hasn't gone out in 2 years?

"What?" I ask shocked. Why not?

"Well truly only one year because I went to school until a year ago, but it's been 2 years since I've gone somewhere like a store and I've never really been to a restaurant so I don't think I could handle it.. I dont even visit my sister.." he say and looks upset.

He's scared of leaving his house?

"You're scared to leave your house, scared to be alone, the basement, bugs, thunder.. what happen kellin? Why are you so scared?" I ask and he looks guilty when I list out things.

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