"Lilith!" Thea came running over.

Huh, so she does her own errands, didn't see that coming. "If you are here to stop us, it won't work," I rolled my eyes. Plus, I did not have the time to start arguing about this again.

"No, nothing of the sorts. I just got word from Drake's father that when you arrive, that he wants to meet behind his mansion," Thea said.

"Why didn't he just tell Drake himself?" I wondered.

"I don't have a phone," he shrugged.

"Well thanks for the message Thea, we will take our exit now," I quickly said. Less I have to be around her, the better.

Thea left and now it was just us. Calico went up to an oak tree and concentrated on our next destination. Once the portal opened up, we all walked through. Conversation carried around as we normally do but then it got quiet. I glanced over to Calico and a worried feature appeared on his face.

"Um, Calico? Is everything okay?" The moment I asked him, A shake appeared within the portal! It felt as if an earthquake felt.

"Run!" Calico yelled.

I picked up the pace and could see the ending closing. I could feel my heart pumping repeatedly. As the portal was closing, I sprinted as fast as I could making through the otherside than tripping over my feet onto the dirt ground. I turned my head back to see the portal closed and my friends, gone.

Panic and anxious crept up on me. Where did my friends go? What in the bloody fuck just happened? I looked around my surroundings with no sight of my friends. Did I just lost my only family I had left? My friends... I have to find them. I stood up and dusted the dirt off of me. I looked around and realized I have no idea where I am. Great, now I'm lost. Then, an idea popped into my head like a light bulb going ding. I rapidly pulled out my phone to call Stefan. As I pressed call, there was no ring, instead it was dead silence. Furious, I looked at my phone and saw that I have no signal. God damn it!

Anger and anxious flooded within me to where I couldn't think straight. All I could do was punch something, anything to let my anger go. I could feel the fire building up. I walked over to the tree and started throwing punches. Rapidly throwing them, beating up a Walnut tree with no care. After a few moments of punching, I wanted to break down but than something caught my eye. The area where I was punching the tree's had burnt marks on it as if there was a fire. I looked at my fists and it was glowing fire around it. What the? I looked at my fists as if they were the strangest things I have ever encountered. Knowing the glowing of fire wasn't going to settle, I calm my nerves by taking deep breaths. After doing five, I could feel my body calming down and the glowing fire fading.

Knowing that standing here and beating up defenseless tree's in anger was not going to solve this case. Guess I ought to walk around and see what is close to me and to find out where I am exactly. One thing that puzzled me was though I made it through, why did it lead me to an unknown area?

I walked what felt like twenty minutes and finally made it outside of the woods. I found myself on the street and as I looked both left and right, there was no town nearby. As I sighed, I pondered around thinking which way I should go. All of a sudden, I could hear a car driving, driving past me down the road. Hoping it was a sign, I made my way and turned right.

Thirst came upon me as I walked what could be, five miles. My legs were tired and I was ready to sleep. I was walking up this very long inclined road upwards. Only a few cars have passed me and the thought of hitchhiking would of been a great idea but I have watched enough crime shows to know that is how you get yourself killed. Sure, I could burn the person to a crisp but the smell and trying to hide the body, not something I felt like doing. Finally I made it up the hill and could feel myself getting worn out. If it wasn't for the past training from Stefan, I probably wouldn't have made it this far. Though regardless, I need more physical training, definitely need to improve my run.

The Elemental: My Burning LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now