"Oh, okay. Well, that experience is nice to have when you hang out with me, because I take all the help I can get. I've basically done everything for her by myself up to this point." She said, shutting the water off and drying her hands off.

She walked around the counter and took Madi, patting her a little more until she finally burped.

"There we go. Moma needs to go get dressed." She rocked her back and forth.

"I can watch her while you get ready, if you'd like me too." I suggested, looking at her.

"That'd be great. Thank you. I'll be right back." She smiled, kissing Madi's head and walking upstairs.

I stood up, Madi in arms, and walked to the living room. There was a wall full of pictures.

Lots of Macy as a kid, plenty of Madi, a good many family portraits.

One stuck out to me. It was Macy, and who I assume is Michael. He had his hands painted blue, formed in a heart on her stomach.

They both looked so happy. It couldn't have been too long after this was taken that they lost Mitch, and that's when he went crazy. If something like that were to happen with us, I'd make sure we made it through it.

"Colby?" I heard her voice come for the top of the stairs.

"Yes ma'am?" I said back, heading towards the stairs.

"Can you bring her up here so I can change her real quick?" She asked.

"Sure thing!" I replied, making my way up the steps, holding Madi even closer.

"In the bathroom." Mace called out. I walked in to see her fixing her hair in a ponytail.

She was wearing a BMTH tank top, ripped jeans, and flats. She looked beautiful.

"You look gorgeous, Mace." I said, barely above a whisper.

"Thank you, Colbs." She replied, blushing. "Follow me." She slid past me and into a bedroom.

"If you'd like, you can look through that top drawer and pick out a onesie while I change her." Macy said, taking Madi from my arms and laying her on the bed.

I looked through the drawer and settled on a leopard print onesie.

"This one okay?" I asked, holding it out in front of me and posing.

"Yes that's perfect, but do remember it's for Madi." Macy replied, laughing.
I sat the onesie down and Macy dressed Madi.

"Alright, let's hit the road." Macy smiled, standing up.

I followed her downstairs and out to the cars. She got in the back and strapped Madi in.

"Alright, I'm following you." She smiled, hoping in the drivers seat.

"See you in a few." I replied heading to my car. I pulled out of the driveway and waited on Macy to back up before I drove off.

I took my little shortcut and pulled into my complex. Macy parked beside me.

"Here, let me get it." I said as she started to climb in the back.

"Thank you Colbs." She said, backing up so I could get in. I pulled the car seat out with a bright eyed Madi inside.

"Hello Miss Priss." I said. She giggled, as I tickled little feet.

"Colby, you don't have to carry her." Macy said, looking at me with an uneasy look on her face.

"Macy, you deserve a break. Just let me carry her, okay?" I said, putting my arm around her and squeezing her shoulders.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm just not used to many people offering to help." She sighed, walking towards the front office.

Baptized. (a Seth Rollins Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now