Who's the Liar?

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"What Pudding is saying is not true... right, big bro...?"

Katakuri was now completely silent, flat-out refusing to even respond to such questions that only made his blood boil even more. Although, his lack of a response was a bit of a dead giveaway.

"...A-and that's another yes!" He gasped, accidentally overfilling the mochi he had in hand as Pudding went to giggle some more.

"I knew it! Big bro is fond of the new human!" She chirped before turning to the brothers.

"Did you guys know that Noire would also give him stuff? And she would always wear really cute clothes whenever she was around him! The girl is crushing hard on him!" She gossiped as the brothers continued to be in utter shock.

"Hee hee, I wouldn't be surprised if she wraps herself in a ribbon, and gifts herself to him one of these days!" She chuckled, the brothers gawking at Katakuri.

"...Why does Pudding know all this, and not us?!" Daifuku complained, Oven nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, we could have backed you up!"

"Pudding knows because she's too nosy for her own good." Katakuri hisses as he gave said sister a pointed look, "And I don't need help with anything. I'm perfectly capable and I can handle things on my own."

"But how can you handle something you never experienced? This is new territory!" One of the brothers pointed out as Pudding nodded with a pout.

"And if Sanji is trying to win her over, you need to think fast! If he really puts his mind to it, he could be capable of charming her pants off!" She frowned with folded arms, the brothers glaring at her.

"Don't put ideas like that in his head, Pudding! Clearly this Noire human sees our big bro for the perfect being that he is! Why would she ever be interested in that stupid chef?" He questioned as Pudding huffed.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that... She was having dinner with him alone last night..." Katakuri grumbled as his blood boiled at remembering the incident.

"They're probably just friends... for now, at least. They do work in the same place!" Pudding hummed before turning to him.

"And I am a hundred percent sure that she's still madly into you!" She confidently stated, hands on her hips.

"Just one look at you, and her whole attitude changes!"

"... Perhaps." Was his reply as he tried to focus on the mochi, making it faster as a result.

He didn't know if Noire liked him anymore after witnessing Sanji in her house. He didn't want to admit that he was jealous, but it was so hard to ignore this feeling that tugged at his stomach and pumped anger through his veins.

"...Did you by any chance meet her yesterday, big bro?" Pudding questioned.

"And if you did, was she like," Pudding then clasped her hands together, going to bat her eyes at him, while also having a dopey smile on her face.

"This? And did she also do this?" She asked as she began to sway her body, "And were her eyes shining brighter than the sun?"

Katakuri sweatdropped at the imitation and slowly turned back to the mochi.

"Yes, something similar to that but not exactly." Katakuri replied as he took quick glances at his sister, internally comparing Pudding's behavior to Noire's.

He wouldn't be sure unless Noire happened to come by, which he doubted she would--not after he stormed off the way he did.

"Oh, come on, Katakuri! The girl likes you bad!" She whined while tugging on her ponytails, folding her arms yet again.

Moon's Harvest (ASL X Reader X Various! One Piece)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat