The Truth Revealed

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This is not

Eunsang barely managed to stay on his feet, feeling like the world was spinning, like he's doesn't belong there and wished to disappear and erase everything he's heard. He felt Wooseok taking his hand, trying to pull him outside but Eunsang couldn't move. He didn't want to move. The words he's heard were ripping his heart in pieces as his eyes stayed focused on Junho. He wanted to approach him and ask what's going on, is this some kind of a sick prank, but just the thought of getting close near him was making him furious.

-What ...what are you talking about?-Eunsang silently asked, shifting his gaze on Seungwoo.

- I...Eunsang...We can explain...-Seungwoo nervously tried to approach him but stopped once Eunsang lifted his arm and refused.

-Eunsang-ah, let's go out an-Junho panickly pleaded.

-You are all...what's wrong with you???-Wooseok raised his voice looking at all of them but his anger was focused on Seungyoun who just looked down, unable to say anything.

-Let's just sit down and have a talk, we hav-Seungwoo tried to calm down the situation.

-TALK? I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT YOU ANYMORE! YOU ARE ALL MONSTERS, WHAT KIND OF GAME ARE YOU PLAYING? HOW IS MY FATHER INCLUDED IN THIS? I'M GOING TO THE POLICE RIGHT NOW!-Eunsang yelled, he just wanted to get away from them, from Junho. Wooseok tried to follow him but Seungyoun rapidly grabbed his arm and Junho rushed outside to catch up Eunsang.

-Eunsang-ah, please, wait!- He was a few steps behind him, now standing in the yard of Eunsang's house.

-Dont get close! How dare you? How could you?!- Eunsang didn't even try to stop the tears running down his cheeks, he screamed at Junho, suffocating with each breath he took.

-I...I'm sorry! I never wanted to hurt you!-Junho said, clunching his fists as his throat held back something between a sob and a shout.

-Who are you?? Are you a psychopath? Are you a murderer??? WHO ARE YOU???- Eunsang trembled, and his shoulder heaved with emotions, unwilling to back down.

-No, no, don't say that, I'm not a murderer! You know me better than anyone! Eunsang-ah, it's still me!-Junho tried to approach him closer but Eunsang made a step away.

-You used me! You're planning to do something horrible! I WANNA THROW UP JUST BY STANDING NEAR YOU!!!-he could no longer see clearly because the anger was the only thing he felt now.

-YOUR FATHER KILLED MY MOTHER!!!! – Junho yelled back so loudly, his eyes were filled with pain and madness, something Eunsang has never seen before. Minhee, Dongpyo and Hangyul suddenly appeared at the porch watching them frozen.


-YES, YOUR FATHER KILLED MY MOTHER, YOHAN'S AND SEUNGWOO'S MOTHER! AM I SICK? YOUR FATHER IS SICK AND A MONSTER! STOP LIVING IN YOUR BUBBLY CLOUD EUNSANG! DO YOU THINK I WANTED TO BE THIS PERSON??? I NEVER PLANNED TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU BUT I DID! IF YOU WANNA REPORT US TO THE POLICE, THEN DO!!! COZ THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO STOP US BECAUSE WE WILL FINISH WHAT WE STARTED!- the tears welled from deep inside and coursed down his cheeks. He finally emptied the words that were bottled up and his lungs screamed for oxygen. Everything was gone, the sound, the taste, the smell. Everything darkened into nothigness as he turned around, walking away from Eunsang.

-Let's go inside...-Minhee approached to Eunsang and gently took his hand.


-Junho?-Yohan softly looked for an answer behind the closed door.

-Come in...-

-Are you okay?-He found Junho lying on his bed, staring at the cieling.

-I...I don't think so...Everything is ruined...-he bit his tongue, trying to hold the tears that threatened to leave his eyes again-...I can't believe I ruined his life and ... our's my fault...I'm so sorry...-his breaths were uneven and his throat started to tighten.

-I don't know what's gonna happen...Seungyoun told everything to Wooseok and they fought inside when you were out with Eunsang...maybe not everything is ruined if they try to understand why we're doing this...-Yohan tried to find hope remembering Wooseok's teary face and a hug he gave him before leaving their house-..we already knew the risk about someone finding out this and it finally happened so now we're gonna face the consequences but don't blame yourself, we're all in this together.-he gently carrassed Junho's hand.

-I...I just..can't...-Junho searched for words but suddenly leaned and sobbed into Yohan's chest uncreasingly, hands clutching into his jacket. All his defences broke down as the salty tears flowed its way down his pale cheek, releasing the sadness and sorrow that he has been held inside of him for all this time.

Yohan hugged him, wishing to transfer Junho's pain to him because he couldn't stand looking at his best friend broken and miserable. This was the second time he saw him being like this...when he lost his mother and now...he lost Eunsang. Yohan knew this was the biggest reason for Junho's desperation and that after this...he'll never be the same.


Eunsang curled in his bed after a long conversation he had with his housemates. It was exhausting to just breath, he wanted to wake up from this nightmare. He finally admited to them that his real father is in the hospital and that the person who they thought was his father was someone who he never loved. He was shocked finding out about all the things he'd done to other people but somehow, deep inside, he never doubt their words. He was feeling afraid, for his mother and sister, trying to figure out the way to protect them but his thoughts were a mess after everything that has happened eariler.

Again, the person who hurt him the most was the person he started to love. He was used and felt pathetic and stupid for believing in Junho's words. For letting him into his world and trusting him. He hated himself for giving every inch of his heart to Junho. The memories of them rushed through his mind and he buried his head into pillow, squeezing it with all the strenght he had. First, one small tear escaped from his right eye. He felt the warmth, sliding down his cheek and rolling of his chin. Then another. And another, coming like a rainfall, sniffing every ten seconds, they fall and fall and he lets them. The sound of his sobs filled the air. He didn't want anyone to hear so he hugged the pillow tight and screamed into it. Eventually, those screams turned back into sobs again. He was shaking and couldn't control his body anymore.

He got up a few times to drink a glass of water and start all over again.


The heavy air filled the kitchen where the boys silently were having a breakfast after a long sleepless night. No one was able to speak, each on of them had their own worries, trying to give comfort and understanding by looking at each other every now and then.

A knock on the door made them all to freeze, preparing for whatever it's to come. Seungyoun got up and walked up to the door.

He opened and faced with the person he least expected to see.

-We need to talk-Wooseok said, with his hands in pockets, quickly shifting his gaze awkwardly towards Minhee who was standing next to him.

The Vengeful Butterfly / X1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang