Karaoke Night - Jeff x Reader

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Request by @kayla_cruz2019

Just like every Thursday, you go to Monet's after school. Today you take your friends along to the coffee bar.
You and your boyfriend Jeff are sitting in front of each other at the table.
Hannah, Clay, Jessica and Alex are there too.

"Hey guys!" Justin says.
He works at Monet's every Thursday and Friday evening.
"It's my boss's birthday today so the first drink is on her. Also, it's a karaoke night so feel free to go on the stage right there." He explains.

"Justin why don't you sing?" You ask and everyone laughs and agrees.
"Well I would, but unfortunately, I have to work. Besides, y/n, you're better at singing than I am." Justin says.
"Have you heard her sing?" Jeff asks, getting a little jealous.
"No." Justin lies and smiles at you.

You order your drinks and talk about your school day.
After a while everyone is daring each other to sing.
Hannah and Clay sing "The Night We Met" By Lord Hurdon, their favorite song.

"It's your turn y/n!" Jessica says and the group starts cheering.
"I don't know what song to sing!"
"Our song?" Jeff suggests.
You smile and go to the mic.

You start singing 'Something I need"


"That's my girl." Jeff says, he's amazed and proud.

Everyone is clapping.
"Justin was right, you can sing!" Jeff cheers.
"I actually sing here every Thursday." You admit.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Alex asks.
"I don't know, I get shy when I sing in front of people I know." You explain.
"There's no reason!" Clay says and everyone agrees with him.

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