Friend Zone - Tony x Reader

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You have always loved your best friend Tony. Not just as friends, you wanted more but you never told him.
You always wonder if he knows, if he's about to figure it out. Part of you wishes that he would.

Your phone lights up and you see that Tony sent you a text.


He picks you up for school everyday, you only live five minutes from his house.

Yeah. You respond and walk outside.

You get in his red car.
He smiles at you. That beautiful smile, still giving you butterflies.
"A dress? What happened to the jeans?" He asks.
"I wanted to wear something different today. And it's hot outside."
"Well, it looks good on you (y/n)." He says and starts his car.
"Thanks Tony." You say happily.

You only have two classes with Tony today so your day is boring.

He is having lunch with his other friends and you with yours.
"So (y/n), when are you going to tell Tony that you like him?" Hannah asks.
"Hannah! Not so loud."
She repeats her question but this time she whispers it.
"We all heard you." Clay says to Hannah.
You roll your eyes and sigh.
"I'll tell him when I want to." I say and walk out of the school lunchroom.

During the rest of the day you don't talk to anyone.
Why did Hannah have to say that I like Tony?! Why doesn't everyone mind their own business???

When the last bell rings you quickly take your backpack and walk out of school.
You don't want to see Tony right now.
You don't have the energy to hide your feelings, to pretend that you just want him as a friend.

"Hey (y/n)!" You hear Tony calling your name and you turn around.
"Don't you need a ride home?" He asks.
"No, I wanna walk."
"Why do you wanna walk?"
You shrug your shoulders. "Because."
He frowns his eyebrows and looks confused.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asks.
"No it's not you Tony."
You look down, feeling bad that you were being so cold to him.
"Then what is it? You know you can tell me everything, I'm your best friend."
The second after he says that you shake your head.
"That's the fucking problem!"
"Wait... What?"
You sigh.
"Don't you get it Tony? I like you! More than a friend. And I know we will never be more than that because you would never want to date someone like -"
Tony cuts you off by grabbing your face and kissing your lips.
You can feel that your heart is racing and your cheeks are turning pink.
You both have your eyes closed, enjoying every second of the kiss.

When you hear people clapping and whistling Tony slowly pulls away.
You see Hannah and your other friends cheer. "Finally!" She laughs and embraces you and Tony.

You walk to his car hand in hand. You can't believe this is happening. You never thought he liked you back.

"I've been waiting to kiss you for a long time." Tony says.
You giggle. "Me too."
"So do you wanna go on a first date?" He asks.
"Sure, what do you have in mind?"
"We can just drive around, listen to music."
You like that idea. Actually any idea is great, as long as you and him are together.

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