Lion gets punished.

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William's pov.

I watched the operators approuch me, and I can already tell that this Lion guy is a asshole, considering the fact he has a shit eating grin on his face. I looked at Six with an expression of bordem.

Me: No offense Six, but I don't work with people like Lion,he is a true incarnation of...what's the word I'm looking for*scratches chin* oh yeah, douche bag.

Six: He has an attitude toward people, but he is a great soldier.

Me: A true soldier is humble and ready, Mr high and mighty over there*points at Lion*has no idea on being a true soldier. Besides the others are diffrent, they all differ in certian aspects of their roles in this team.

Six looked at me with wonder evident in her eyes. Guess I'm the first to achieve that. The operators soon arrive and I lean against my car.

Six: Well, I hope they meet your expectations. Operators meet William Noon, better known as Merciless.

I simply nod my head in respect, while Ms.Ela greeted me with a hug. I can tell she is someone who cares for her teammates. While Mute is quite, I can tell he's cool and calculating, like myself at times of crisis or difficult situations. Sledge is a bit excessive, but self conscious. Ms.Zofia is a very over protective person, with a good heart. Lion, however is the opposite of everyone here he carries and air of self-esteem that really sickens me.

Me: It's a pleasure to meet all of you, except for Lion.

Lion: Huh, look who's talking tiny.

Me: Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but your words don't.

I watched as he threw a tantrum, his fellow operators snickerd at my comment. I sighed and walked over to Maya's stroller and slowly took her out.

Me: Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to take my daughter to bed.

As I walked pass Lion, he said something that made my blood boil and it even caused a vein in my eye to burst, making my eye red.

Lion: I bet your wife was a whore, she was probably filthy.

I slowly turned around and gave Maya to Six. I took of my dress shirt and threw it aside. Six knew that there was blood involved,she turned away and I cracked my knuckles.

Me:*cracks neck* Say what you want about me, but don't you ever insult mi amor (my love) because that is a death sentence.

Lion: Whatever I bet your daughter is the same.

Ela: Oliver!!! That is so horrible! Beat him up William!

I nodded and charged at Lion and tackled him to the ground, I pinned his arms using my legs and began punching him in the face with enough force to crack concrete. He moved his head out of the way, and my fist made a dent into the pavement. The other operators just stood there and watched as their fellow operator got punished for speaking ill of my love.

When i was finished, he was bleeding badly. I wiped the blood off my hands and took all my stuff to the dorm and placed Maya on her bed and i fell asleep on the ground.

To be continued...

The merciless killer. A Rainbow six seige story.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя