ЄD0Ɲ: Ŧhe Ɗ£Ş£ŔŦ ~ Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Seraphim Landing Zonehe Ɗ£Ş£ŔŦ

37 — the cleansing PART ONE

He stood before her – brittle fragments of his Edon flesh scattered in the sand, the four rings on his tail testament to his rank, the highest of the Imp class.

"Witness real power, child..." he said, revelling in his true form.

He took a breath, his chest muscles rippling, his yellow skin the sheen of burnished gold in the sun's ferocious glare.

"Bow down before me and feel the wrath of the Lord."

But the girl simply raised an eyebrow.

"Wrath? I don't think you even know the meaning of that word, Kaleb, not truly."

There was something in her demeanour that made him pause. She was not scared of him, or perhaps it was the confidence of someone with unseen protection. He scanned the landscape for hidden assassins but saw no one. Now she smiled. It made him uneasy. His was not the strongest of the clans in terms of might, though it dominated this planet. His brethren were everywhere... except here...

Something emerged from the sun's glare above her left shoulder: a thin vertical red line. At first he'd thought it a distant object but now, as it expanded its form, opening like a flower, he realised it was closer. A circular shape emerged from the brightness, becoming three-dimensional. A head... with black hair cut in a half-moon shape; black eyes, their lids narrowing sharply like the Edons who lived in the Eastern wastelands. Its body appeared; it seemed too small for its head. Something tickled his mind. The floating head of a female child with a miniature body, a pair of red winglets... This wasn't Edon sorcery...

When he heard the faint buzz and glimpsed the wings, thin and glittering on the creature's back, he knew.

He turned and ran for his life.

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