●•· ŠEÐÆĦ ·•● Chapter five

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 5 – the vile bloom (434)

In another part of the galaxy, on a black planet called Sedah, Gorbon stood to attention, quietly admiring his master who stared from a window of his citadel.

He smiled uneasily as Lord Stygien viewed the rivers of burning lava meandering through black powdery soil and volcanic rock before turning his attention to the Imps. They were destroying the vile bloom again. Stygien’s Far Sight scrutinised every stab of their forks, checking nothing of the bloom’s root remained. When they threw the plant, with its flowers of bright orange, white and ultramarine, into the flaming brook, the Imps took great care no petal or leaf fell into the soil and bowed in reverence before they left. The Lord insisted on the ritual – the bloom’s beautiful colours were an abomination – for every morning it had grown again.

Gorbon knew it was a curse on them for their treachery – for the Bright One had planted it, to remind Lord Stygien and his followers that there is always beauty among ugliness. He had not dared to interrupt the ritual but now made a soft coughing sound. The Lord turned to face his highest placed minion.

“Please forgive me for the intrusion, mighty Lord Stygien, but your plan has begun and we are ready,” Gorbon said.

Fear crept inside when the Lord viewed him with his usual impassive gaze. Those cold black eyes, framed by spiked eyebrows and set in a red leathery face, gave nothing away. Gorbon could die with a wave of his master’s hand if he were displeased, as many Imps had before – especially those tasked with removing the vile bloom each morning. Gorbon had suffered that fate himself, twice, only resurrected when his master’s rage had subsided. He didn’t want to die again. It was extremely painful. The fear eased when the Lord nodded.

“Good,” he replied with a voice that rumbled like the bowels of a volcano. “Which gate will they select?”

“The Linnet Gate, master.”

“Hmmm, interesting choice. I would have selected the Linnet Gate. And the Throne?”

“A novice, Your Mighty, and the cadre are weak – mere children. They will all be space dust on the morrow.”

“Keep me informed of every development, Gorbon. If your spy is reliable you will be rewarded.”

“Thank you, Your Mighty. I will report back when I know more,” Gorbon answered, bowing.

But Lord Stygien did not reply, instead returning his gaze to his black land, now unblemished by colourful petals, uttered a satisfied sigh. Before Gorbon retreated, still bowing, he too glimpsed his planet’s glorious landscape. Sedah was cleansed once more. Until the morning…

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