ЄD0Ɲ: Ŧhe Ɗ£Ş£ŔŦ ~ Chapter Forty-Eight

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ЄD0Ɲ: Ŧhe Ɗ£Ş£ŔŦ

48 - from the mouths of babes (1367)

A light breeze and the soft burbling sounds of pigeons came through the open window of the Cardinal's room, but he was oblivious to both. A young man for such high office, handsome features and a charismatic and persuasive demeanour allowed him to bend any to his will and the ferocious heat of the day outside could not compare with the fire inside him. He sat at the harpsichord facing the open window with his eyes closed, his fingers skipping deftly over the keys while the young boy facing him sang, the sublime soprano voice floating over his accompaniment like colourful petals on a gentle wind. As each tumbling cadenza followed exquisite high notes, and every sacred word, pitched so clearly and cleanly, left the boy's lips, the Cardinal felt his heart swell with the glory of the Lord. After he had reluctantly played the last chord, there was silence. The pigeons had left.

He opened his eyes. There, perched on the balcony rail, was a desert vulture - its cold yellow eyes admonishing him. He turned his attention to the boy -thick curls framed an angelic face, large brown eyes expectant.

"Exquisite, Christiano. There is certainly a place for you here in our humble temple," the Cardinal said.

"Thank you, your eminence," the boy said gratefully. "My father will be happy. He says if I serve you well our family will not go hungry."

The Cardinal smiled at the boy's innocence. He was sure his father would not want Christiano to mention his sacrifice for fear of appearing ungrateful, but it was true. If these Edons served the Mammon they would be rewarded. He admired how survival was ingrained so deeply in every one of them.

"Just so, my son. If you do as I say, and follow the ways of the Lord, your family will be saved."

The boy gave a satisfied nod, staring intently at the Cardinal, oblivious to the vulture's presence.

The Cardinal patted Christiano's head, leaving his hand among the lush swirls for a few moments. "But first I would like you to grant me a favour."

"Yes, your eminence?"

The Cardinal returned his gaze to the vulture, while still stroking the boy's hair. After a pause he said, "Go to the vestry and ask for the monk Benitez. When you have found him, tell him he is to come to my room immediately."

The boy hesitated, but when the Cardinal's hand left his head and waved towards the direction of the door, he gave a slight bow.

"Of course, your eminence, and thank you," he mumbled and left the room.

"Why didn't you give him to me?" the vulture said.

"Because he is one of my pleasures. I've often wondered what comes from the mouths of babes. With him, it is the voice of an angel."

"Isn't pleasure a sign of weakness?"

"Ah, Kaleb. According to my scion map, although you have shed your burdens like leaves on an autumn tree since you have been working for Commander Balaink, you still have much to learn," the Cardinal said, and his gentle voice turned cold. "But you should know who your superiors are by now, or would you like a demonstration of superiority?"

"N-no, master. That will not be necessary, please forgive my disrespect," the vulture replied hastily.

"Very well, then tell me what has brought you here, when you should be spreading the word of the Lord."

"Seraphim," the vulture said.

The Cardinal's eyes widened a touch. "Vetala sent a message. He warned me they might be coming, but I did not expect-"

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