
16 1 1

Hey everyone! Hows it going? Well here I am finally writing another chapter of this because I love it. I will be taking recommendations for further stories so FEEL FREE to put any idea in the comments. Enjoy!

You walk through the door quietly sobbing. Tears pouring out of your eyes. You hear Lisa and Jisoo coming down the stairs.

"Y/N!" screams Jisoo.

"Y/N are you okay?!" screams Lisa.

"guys...." you started to say. The sobs drown out the rest.

"Are you hurt?" Jisoo asks.

"N-No." you manage to sniffle out.

"Did somebody hurt you feelings?" Lisa asks.

Now that sets you off. You run into your sisters arms and start bawling.

"Why don't we get some ice cream, sit down on the couch and you can tell us what happened." Jisoo says "would you like that?"

Your nod was quite shaky.

Soon enough your on the couch, with a container of ice cream in your hands and your impatient sisters waiting to hear what exactly had happened to you today.

"Ready to talk?" Jisoo asks.

You nod. By now the tears have stopped.

"If you feel the tears start coming again, just take a giant spoonful of ice cream. It will help."   

"okay...." you begin "you guys know Dahyun right?" 

"As in Jeong Dahyun, your best friend in the whole world, whom you bring here all the time and constantly stay over by?" Lisa asks.

"yeah her."

"What did she do?"

"Well....a few days ago she told me that she was auditioning for Woolim entertainment That night. She called me in the morning telling me all about it. I was happy for her. But then...."

you start to choke up again, so you take the ice cream.

"she...she came to school today and wouldn't sit with me in class, or at lunch. Before Jennie came to pick me up I asked her why. She....She said..."

more ice cream.

"She said that she got in and will be debuting in a group called Rocket Punch. And that since she was going to debut and be all famous, I wasn't cool enough for her."

Ice cream again.

the answer is yes. to keep up with my updates I will do like mini itty bitty series. this will be the first one. wish me luck on our first game tonight! GO LIGHTNING (we really need a better cheer.)

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